Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bench 250 x 1

Really good day today. Gonna keep it short.

Really focused on a great warmup today, paying really special attention to getting my shoulders warm, doing a bunch of dislocates, tornadoes, band pull aparts and dumbell bench. Then got to work benching. Felt good, focused on keeping the back really tight and moving the weight as fast as I could. Hit the bar, then 95, then 135, then 185 x 4, 225 x 1 like cake, 240 x 1 really easy, then smashed 250 x 1 for a 5 lb PR. it was so great that I jumped straight to 260 and was SO close to getting it. Hit a hard sticking point, tried to fight through and managed to keep it moving up for 2-3 seconds, then unfortunately failed. Still I feel sure I'll get it soon, and even more. I'm so happy to be improving.

Next, dropped back to 155 and hit it, close grip and feet up, for a set of 19.

Next, cable rowed 100 lbs for 4 sets of 25. Felt goooood.

Finally, Bar-Starzed around, got a nice forarm pump.

So I'm feeling happy. 15 lb squat PR, 5 lb bench PR with a LOT more in the tank. Can;t wait to heal up, and then hopefully get a SERIOUS deadlift PR monday, then, it will be back to building up my strength. Hopefully a LOT of rep PR's, and new Maxes, are soon to come. Lets keep at it.

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