Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Strict press 185

Lame day yesterday. Not bad just lame.

Basically, to summarize the past two days - I have a little bit of post-macing out depression lol. I did great, and I am proud of myself for improving, but there's always this "now what?" feeling after you reach some goals. I want to get back to fighting to be strongER, but I also need a few days to regroup mentally and physically. So I am a little lame.

Anyways, strict pressed heavy yesterday. Warmed up, hit the bar for a few, then 95 x 5, 135 x 2, 165 x 1, belted up and hit 185 x 1 easy, a little bit of trouble on the lockout. I didn't think I was gonna get 200, but there wasn't really much point in attempting anything else, so I tried it and failed it. Not too bummed. My strict press hasn't improved, but it also hasn't gone down at all. It's just as strong, and my bench is getting stronger so I'm going to keep my concern there.

After that, did some seated dumbell pressing. Actually went very well. I hit 15, 25, 35, 42.5, and 52.5 all for sets of 15.

Next, cable rows were a little rough. Tried to do 4 sets of 20 with 120 lbs, but my lats started cramping HARD on the 3rd set, probably due to the max deadlift, so I called it early.

Finally, hit bar starz. Trying to keep that grip work in, as it obviously is working. Didn;t really pull much, but worked on shifting my hands around more than normal, and did some 1-arm stuff too to really get the grip.

Next day (today) I decided to just go for a walk and stretch outside, because I needed that.

Anyways, a lame couple days but it's okay. Gonna try and get some quality speed/technique work in these next few days, try and get my body feeling good and ready to lift heavy, without beating myself up at all. Then, come monday and tuesday, hopefully I will mentally be rearing to go, and physically be able to start smashing some rep PR's right out of the gate. Lets keep at it.

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