Friday, August 30, 2013

Bench 185 x 14, 14, 13

Really good day today!

Had a great warmup. Got nice and warm and really took the time to warm my shoulders and back up right with just a few extra band movements. Then, got cracking on benching! Instead of the pyramid of yesterday, I decided to work up fast then do a slew of reps at 185. Hit the bar, 95, and 135, and I was feeling good. So, I loaded up 185 and took it for the first set. It went really well! I had a good groove going, kept the reps fast, and banged out 14 reps, attempting and failing the 15th! I think I might have had it, except my friend stepped up to spot me and I think I more or less bitched out knowing he was there. Anyways, rested up a lot and took the weight again, managing a second set of 14, which was perhaps a little looser. So, I rested a ton, tightened up on the final set, and hit a great set of 13. Overall, really happy with that. I'm pretty sure my PR is 10 reps, maybe 11 at 185, so I broke that pr by 3-4 reps, and hit it multiple times. That's pretty damn good.

After those reps, I decided to do some paused benching. I have been avoiding this, because I needed to prove to myself that it WASN'T what I needed to be doing, and today showed me that! After alllllll that volume, I paused 205, 215, 225, and 235 for singles! 235 was a little ugly, but even that wasn't super hard, and that's AFTER a ton of volume already! So now I can rest assured that my bench is getting stronger, period. No more obsessing over the pause.

Thirdly today, I did my "bar stars" stuff. It went well. I used the thick bar, which was both interesting and tough on the grip, and bad cause it hurt my elbows. I think I will only use it every once in a while. anyways, mostly switched between wide kipped pullups, neutral pullups, and leg raises, with some mixed grip pullups thrown in there for good measure. I would say I did like 3 sets of 20 seconds or so. Gonna try and push it on tuesday.

Next up, did some flyes. Kept em light and focused on more reps and more squeezing. Hit 5's for 10, 10's for 10, then 15's for 12, 12, 15. Felt good!

Finally, did 3 sets of one-armed rows using the trap machine with 45's on it. Hit 10, 10, and 15 each side.

So, overall a good day! Bench is certainly coming along, I just need to keep putting in work. I'm very excited for next monday and tuesday, can't wait to smash 365 and 225 for some higher reps, then probably hit even HIGHER reps thursday and friday. Then maybe hone in, and really try and push out some pr's in the following two weeks. I'm excited! Lets keep at it.

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