Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bench 225 x 5, 185 x 15, 135 x 32

Alright day today. Not perfect, but good.

Felt good going into the gym. Did a nice long warmup, including lots of shoulder stuff that felt great and had my shoulders feeling nice while I was benching. In retrospect, however, I think I could have warmed up my chest and my lats more. Anyways, hit the bar, then 95, then 135, then, all of which felt light and easy. Jumped straight to 225 and went after it. Form was good, reps were fast and whatnot, but I think I could have been a little tighter and smoother. However, I think perhaps that wasn't really my fault - I am REALLY sore and tight from yesterdays workout for some reason, and my lower back was CRAMPING after a set at 225. Anyways, got it for a nice set of 5, then failed the 6th. Maybe I needed to be a little tighter, maybe I just needed an extra second of rest, but whatever. I failed it, I was angry, but it was still a PR tie, and it was easier than last time.

Next, backed off to 185, and hit it for a PR set of 15. It was really solid, might have had a 16th rep in there. Then, dropped to 135 and hit it for a PR set of 32. Definitely had 2-3 more reps in me, plus my breathing was a little weird on the set, which definitely hurt me a little. So, 2/3 Pr's isn't bad, but not perfect.

Finally, did 4 x 25 t-bar rows with a 45 lb plate, blew my back up, and then a couple sets of bar starz, although it was a little halfhearted it still felt good and worked my grip.

So, alright day. Hopefully, even though I didn't PR today, I got some quality building work done, and after some recovery and speed/technique stuff friday, I will hit a nice lil PR next tuesday. Lets keep at it.

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