Monday, October 22, 2012


So happy to be back to squatting again.

Started with 5/3/1. Felt awesome today. Warmup sets with the bar felt good. With 125, I paused the first few reps, then on the rest of the reps lowered myself as if I was going to pause, but then dropped hard into the bottom and rocketed out of the hole. It felt amazing. After a few warmup sets with 125, I went to 215 and crushed it for 5, then 250 and crushed it for 5. Then, went to 280. Psyched up and went after it hard. The first few reps were solid, and got my 5 without much trouble - then 6 was a horrible rep. I got caught in an awful position and it took a LOT to get that weight up. Almost called it there, but then I sucked it up and went for 7 and then finally 8. Both were much better reps, but incredibly hard because of the 6th. I still made it though. It was an awesome set. I wish I didn't have that shit 6th rep, but even so I pushed like crazy and I'm happy with those 8 reps.

Next were speed pulls. 265 from no deficit for 12 reps on the minute. Wasn't easy, but moved pretty fast. Setting up a little farther from the bar still, and it's feeling very good.

Finally, 5 x 5 squats was at 245 today. Pretty heavy, but my form was on point again. As long as I control my way down and make sure my feet stay planted and my chest stays up, I can drop hard into that bottom and shoot up with my stretch reflex. The sets of 5 were tough but beautiful, and I just got better as they went on. Did 7 on the final set, just to push.

Finally, did 3 sets to failure of hollow rocks, and one hard, badass set of back extensions.

So happy to be lifting hard again, and I ate my FACE off today. Gotta keep pushing super hard and eating and sleeeeping and growing. So excited for the future strength and hugeness. Lets keep it up.

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