Friday, October 5, 2012

Shoulder Pain

Today I have shoulder pain. It's not too bad, but it's fucking bugging me. I think I just pulled a muscle in my back and my joints are just shitty and achey and shit cause it's my 8th week on. I don't know. Hopefully it will feel better tomorrow, cause it's annoying me right now.

Anyways, aside from that bullshit, I actually had a great day today. Bench felt really god. Reps were flying up and smooth. I pushed myself to go faster, so as I went on the reps got tougher, but really only because I was making myself go with 1-2 mins rest max. Rested up for the final set, and hit it for 4 solid reps, which is pretty fuckin awesome.

Next, strict press went really well. Hit the bar for a slew, then 95 x 5, 115 x 3, 130 x 3, and finally 150 x 4. Pretty happy with that - ties my PR at that weight, after a shitload of volume before. I was pretty dizzy and shit, but I think form was pretty nice, and the 4 were solid enough that I tried for 5. So that's pretty awesome. Dropped back to 130 and hit it for 9 paused reps, then dropped to 115 and hit that shit for 10 paused reps.

Next, did my upright rows. 130 x max, 120 x max, 110 x max.

Next, did some bodyweight pressing. Did a max set of HSPU (7) a max set of dips (11) and a max set of pushups (25).

Finally, three sets of lat pulldowns at 200 for 10 reps.

So my benching and strict pressing went awesome. The rest of the workout felt pretty shitty, but that's no biggie. I don't know what the fuck aggravated my shoulder but I hope it goes away soon, and I can squat / press tomorrow without it hurting. We will see I guess. Keep at it.

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