Monday, October 8, 2012

Nasty Day

Had a nasty day in the gym today. In a good way.

Although the shoulder was bashed on saturday, it felt exponentially better yesterday, and again exponentially better this morning. Although it's definitely not all better, it is far less painful and swollen, and didn't affect my workout negatively today at all. Which is a good sign that it's not a serious injury. I still might have to take my upper body days as they come, but I'm very hopeful that I will be able to do them hard and heavy without further hurting my shoulder.

Anyways, squats today went great. Felt pretty strong - a little stiff, but that got worked out out pretty fast. Hit the bar for a bunch, then 125 moved nicely. 205 started feeling really good. I was controlling the weight, but started hitting that bottom nicely (like last monday), and was catching the stretch reflex and driving through hard. 245 x 5 was very nice. 275 x 3 was a little rougher, but still not bad. Loaded up 305. My expectations weren't too high, because of the rough shoulder stuff, but I went after it calm and determined, and the weight moved really nicely. Hit 3 pretty easy, then a 4th which was going to be my last rep except it moved so nicely... so I took some breaths and hit a 5th rep, very tough but solid. That's pretty awesome. My best 5 ever is only 315, and these were far deeper and nicer than those were. Really getting the hang of the new form and getting strong - Gonna start PRing very soon I think.   It still varies a lot from day to day, but every workout form is getting cemented more and more, and I'm definitely getting stronger.

Speed deadlifts were very nice. 8 singles at 285 from a high deficit. The weight moved very nice. I think my stance was a little closer on these than it typically is, but the reps felt really good and moved fairly fast. Next cycle, my weight move up - 265, 285, 305. That's getting pretty fucking heavy for speed work. Pretty cool, considering 305 was my 1rm this time last year hahahaha. Just gonna keep at it, try and move that shit the best I can, and If I can get 305 moving fast from a two plate deficit, hopefully that means I definitely have a new deadlift PR waiting for me.

Finally, 5 x 5 squats at 235 were fine. I was pretty tired by the time I got here, and the last rep or two of every set was tough, but the first reps were moving really nice. After set 5, I went up to 275 and hit it for a nice single, then went straight to 315 and hit it for a very nice rep - the best I've squatted that weight in a few weeks. I ALMOST went up, to 325 or 335, but I realized it was an ego thing, not gonna make me better at anything, and I would probably miss hahaha, so I called it. Still, really happy with e pretty rep at 315 after everything today.

Finally, ended with 3 sets of hollow rocks, and then 1 big set of back extensions with a plate/bodyweight when I got too tired with the plate. I kind of like doing the back extension for one big set, might do that more often.

Anyways, a really solid day today. Very happy, especially considering my expectations weren't that high today. Hopefully on thursday, 305 will move nicely and I can get a bunch of quality reps in before taking the deload week. And hopefully my shoulder will be well enough to go hard on my upper body day tomorrow as well. We will see.

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