Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crazy Day

Today was a crazy day.

First off, got a huge bench PR. Today I was repping out 185, which is obviously a benchmark weight.  As recently as last march, hitting 185 for 3 was a solid day. Over the summer, I had gotten it for 6, but I haven't taken a crack at it in a while, so I was excited today. Started with some nice warmups, pausing the first few reps of each set, and then working on moving the weight as IF I was going to pause it, but then moving it quickly and explosively without a pause. Felt great. Hit 145 and 165 for sets of 5 with ease, then racked up 185. Something just went right when I got under that weight, and I managed to hit it for an easy 8, and THEN paused a 9th rep, fighting hard as a motherfucker for that lockout. That's an awesome 3 rep PR, which is unheard of in my benching career haha.

Next, dropped back to 165, and hit that for 3 sets of 7 paused reps. Again, pretty awesome. PAused benching feels great to me, and I seem to get stronger at it every week. Going to keep pushing it, as it obviously has been helping my bench a lot. It feels so great to be actually making progress, and ENJOYING all the upper body pressing haha.

Unfortunately, my rep out at 145 sucked. I think it was simply a combination of me being tired from the rest of the benching, and me wanting to hit a ton of reps, but I was downright FLOPPY on this set. The first 3-5 reps were a trainwreck of form. I tightened up after, but only managed 13, most definitely due to the waste of energy on the first third of the set. But honestly, it was such a great day that I just laughed it off, cause it was fucking stupid haha. Next week, I will make sure to 1) rest more before that final rep-out, and 2) not rush the reps and be soft. Take it like every other set, one beautiful rep at a time, and it will definitely be more successful than it was today.

Kroc rows kick my ass every time I do them. Hit the 100's for 30 reps each side, making sure to use a really full range of motion. I think I'm gonna try and do 33 next week, then 35, 37, 40, etc, building up to a set of 50 beautiful reps each side. It's gonna hurt but I need to keep building my back.

Almost died overhead pressing. Not really, but it was a whacky day. Felt great warming up, crushed 155 and 165, so i threw on 175, planning to hit it for a few solid singles. Unfortunately, I got a bit excited, and went after it a little fast, and without watching my breathing. End result - took me about 5 seconds to lock the rep out, and then I blacked out and dropped the weight from overhead. Luckily, it did not crack my skull open. I really have to be careful to breathe out when I press, cause that was dangerous. I was pissed too, cause I was having such a good day and that took a lot of energy haha. So, I went to 165 and just hit that for 5 solid singles, then dropped back to 145 and hit that for an easy 5 paused reps.

Finally, did 4 x 4 neutral pullups. Even though my shoulder is like 95% better, these still bother it a little bit. I pushed through anyways, but if it's still bugging me next week I might fool around with some other pulling options. We will see.

Overall, a crazy day. But I hit my press PR, after a shitload of benching, and crushed hat 185. Lets hope the upper body days keep coming this good.

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