Monday, October 1, 2012

Great squat workout

Today, I was nervous about squatting. Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I had a full rest day, not even going in to stretch. I was worried that I was going to feel like shit, but actually I felt incredible.

Started with 5/3/1 squat. Hit the bar for a bunch, then 125. At first these felt okay, but then about halfway through the set I started feeling awesome. I was moving incredibly fast, hitting the bottom and catching the stretch reflex better than I ever have before. Not really sure what was different, other than that I was really thinking about sitting down with my knees out, and I was just moving much faster and more beautifully than I have before. 125 felt so good I went straight to 225, crushed it for 3, then 255, crushed that for three. Loaded up 290 and attacked it really well; I was focused and didn't make the same mistake I did last week of amping up too much. I made every rep beautiful, crushing it for 7. Only the 7th rep was a little tough and ugly, but that was purely because it was a max effort, not because I was sloppy at all. This is absolutely sick, and a huge PR since I switched styles. Low bar, my best day ever was probably 300 x 8, and 290 x 7 is right up there. Cannot wait to start surpassing my PR's again with this new awesome style.

Next, speed deadlifts were great as well. 10 x 1 on the minute with 265. Deficit is deep, but the weight moved nice. Also, I noticed that lately I've been taking a little too much time in the bottom. It's only about a seconds pause, but it makes a HUGE difference when I get rid of that. If I can just drop my hips and pull immediately, the weight moves so much faster and cleaner. Need to make sure Iget rid of that pause, especially when I pull heavy on thursdays.

Finally, 5 x 5 at 235 squat was good. I wanted to just cement that beautiful motor pattern in my mind. This was absolutely no problem today, and I hit the final set for 10 reps, just to push myself and practice good form when I'm exhausted.

And last but not least, 3 x 12 hanging leg raised supersetted with 25 lb back extensions.

Overall, an amazing day. I hope that I can make more and more of my squat days feel like this one. The weight was moving so beautifully. Gonna keep pushing myself, try to REALLY take advantage of my rest days (it payed off today), and just enjoy moving this heavy ass weight.

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