Saturday, October 6, 2012

Shoulder pain

Fucking shoulder is shit. Hurts a lot, in a weird place - top part of my shoulder, where a front squat would sit. Feels almost like a bruise, except it hurts to stretch, do arm circles, press overhead, etc. And it is visibly swollen. I'm hoping, because the pain isn't to sever, and because I didn't feel any specific popping or tearing or "moment" of injury yesterday, that it's just a little inflamed/aggravated, and that it will get better on it's own quickly.

Went into the gym and squatted even though I did not want to. It hurt to get the bar in position on my back, and then as the weight got heavier it hurt a LOT to have the weight sitting on it. It's a shame, because I was actually feeling pretty good today, but I didn't go that heavy because it just hurt to much. hit 315 for a tough but solid single and said that was enough.

As I was squatting, I worked in a few sets of 50 lateral raises/front raises, and overhead presses with the 5 lb dumbells, just trying to move, get blood to the area, and work out some of the pain. After the 315 squat, did a set of 100 overhead presses with those 5's. Then, used the cable/rehab machine and did a bunch of straight-arm pulling with that side, a set of 50 with light weight and then a set of 35 with another 10 lbs thrown on. Then, took a hot shower and tried to keep heat on the area.

It looks fuckin swollen and it hurts like a bitch in certain positions, but hopefully I got some blood to the area and it's going to get working on healing very soon. The rest of today and tomorrow I'll try my best to rest it, and hope it's in okay shape for next week. I really want to make it through, because then I have the whole deload week to rest. But I need to stay healthy, that takes priority.

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