Monday, March 5, 2012

Too many squats

Today was a ridiculous fucking day. First of all, I drank a little too much coffee right before the gym, and couldn't calm my heart rate down the whole fucking workout. I warmed up, then started my work sets for squats: 205 for 5, 225 for 3, then finally, 250 for reps.

The fucking Devil. And Jesus. All in one. 

My heart was about to fucking explode from all the damn caffeine in my blood, so I threw the belt on and jumped under it. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until the weight was that fucking heavy that the shitty, shitty bar I was using was bent pretty solidly, and the more reps I did, the further it kept rolling down my back. I'm pretty sure I looked absolutely fucking ridiculous, hopping the bar off my back between almost every rep to try and force it back up onto my delts, while at the same time making horrible guttural noises because I'm trying to still get max reps at 95% of my working 1RM. HOWEVER, despite all this stupid-fuckery, I still managed to bang out 12 reps at 250, which is pretty fucking insane. For those of you not following my every post, this is how my squatting has progressed over the last 6 weeks: 215 for 8. 230 for 7. 245 for 8 with belt. 225 for 12. 240 for 11. And today, 250 for 12 with belt. Those are some pretty fucking cool gains.

After the rep-out, I did my speed deads - 230 for 8 sets of 2 on the minute. Then, I did a 5 x 10 of squats @ 145. I was almost crying after the 4th set because I felt like a little bitch, but I manned up on the 5th set, slapped the belt on one last time, and banged out a set of 20. Then, after sitting on the floor, moaning and groaning like a bitch again for a few minutes, I did 3 sets of heavy sit-ups and got the fuck out of there. Needless to say, it was a hard fucking day.

Tom Platz Legs, here I come. 145 for 20 is basically 500 for 23.... Hahahaha that crazy fucker

Aside from my own slew of heavy lifts, there was some funny shit going on in the gym on this day - most notably, a silly fuck doing deadlifts as if he WANTED his back to snap in half, and a kid doing horrible half squats with 245. All I can say is thank god I'm finally getting stronger than most of these fucks. Seeing them lift like assholes is really annoying, but seeing them lift like assholes, and they're STILL moving more weight than me, really sucked dick.

The twins would say it's not a Deadlift, it's a Backsnap

Give me a year and I'll be doubling their shitty, shitty max efforts.

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