Thursday, March 8, 2012

1 rep what?

Today was an awesome last squat day before I take some time off. It was so good that I'm feeling completely enraged that I have no choice but to rest and relax for 4 or 5 days on the beach. You know you are a little crazy when this seems terrible.


Anyways, today was fucking awesome. Speed squats were at 185 this week, and they felt very fast. Starting next cycle, I'll be moving my speed squats weights up to 175, 185, and 195. I'm excited; these weight have been moving really fast lately, and I think getting some more weight on the bar is going to keep my squat going up. 

Hahahaha this fucker's head looks like it's coming off. Speed squatting is so hard. 

Then, after my baby-candy speed work, it was time for my favorite - heavy, heavy squats. Monday I had a great day squatting (I repped out 250 for 12), but I was a little bit mad at myself as well. My form on monday was a little shitty, and even though I'm sure that was MOSTLY due to the crooked ass bar rolling down my back, I still felt like it was due in part to me using my belt as a crutch. Instead of keeping my core as tight as I should have and forcing my chest up, I let my chest drop as I banged out the later reps, and because of this I had some back pain later in the day. Luckily it was nothing serious, but I was still convicted to have a great squat day, with great form, and without using that belt as a crutch. 

SO, today my squat weight was 265, and even though originally my goal was 3 reps without the belt and 3 with, I decided to push myself a little without the belt. So I got under the weight, kept my form great, and was able to bang out 5 reps, sans belt, at 265. I was fuckin happy.... but not quite satisfied. So, seeing as how this WAS my last squat day... I went up to 275. I threw on the belt, made sure that i didn't fuckin drop my chest, and repped THAT out for 5 reps. 

For those of you that don't follow every blog - (blasphemy) - Just 6 weeks ago, 275 was my 1 rep max. and today I hit it for 5. After speed work, and after 5 reps at over 95%. Those are some insane gains over 6 weeks. 

Grow legs growwwwww

Even though my joy was great, I still had more work to do. 5 sets of 8 good-mornings with 90 seconds rest... did 15 on the last set, pretty easy. Then, a 2 minute plank was my shitty core work thrown in at the end. And that was that. 

Bottom line, today was a great last day squatting before mandatory vacation time. I'm excited to keep squatting and keep getting stronger, and looking forward to destroying some PR's in the near future. 

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