Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Heavy/Strongman day

So in the summer, my goal is to turn saturdays into Strongman days, where I train heavy on any number of strongman movements. However, for now I am stuck working out at my shitty school gym, so until the end of the semester, Saturday will simply be a heavy day, where I go heavy on any single lift or movement that I don't generally train heavy.

Today was Front squats. Here's what it looked like:

bar x 2 x 5
85 x 5
125 x 5
165 x 3
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
235 (fail)

Kendrick Fucking Farris

My old PR was 215, so that 235 was a 20 lb PR, which I'm pretty happy with. My only unhappiness comes from missing that last rep. On the first 235, the bar was on my blood vessels and i got really wobbly, which made it an extra slow and shaky rep. So, I was convinced that I could hit it for a better rep... And on that second rep, my setup was much better, as was my form throughout the rep - I just didn't have enough strength left to lock it out. Still, I'm not beating myself up too much about it.

In addition, all today's squats were beltless. I'm not sure why I didn't really want to belt up, but in any case it gives me a more fair idea of how much my strength has improved, since that 215 was beltless. SO, next time I front squat, I'll be extra careful to set up nice so i don't get all wobbly, and I'll throw the belt on, and  I think I'll have another PR in the near future.

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