Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Acceptable day.

Today was acceptable. Actually, in all honesty it was a pretty good day, but I feel a bit unsatisfied with it. Heres how it went down:

Benching work sets:
125 x 5
145 x 5
165 x max reps (7)

I was hoping for a few more reps at 165, which is why I was pissed. In addition, rep 7 wasn't too hard... I REALLY didn't want to fail on rep 8, but I thought I would be able to get it. So, I went for it, and just barely missed it at the top, and that multiplied my rage by 10.

HOWEVER, here's why I shouldn't be pissed: first of all, 7 reps at 165 ties my all time pr, a number I have only hit 3 times including today (although my bench has been stuck so long that tying pr's no longer makes me happy at all, I want to break them). Furthermore, this was my first upper body day after taking over a week off - and it's not surprising that both my strength and my comfortability with this new setup for my bench were a little off. AND, here's how the rest of my workout went:

5 x 10 bench @ 105, with 15 on the last set
5 x 10 bent over rows with 105, with 18 on the last set
3 x max Dumbbell overhead press @ 35lb dumbells - 18, 10, 8
5 x 10 lat pulldowns @ 130, with 18 on the last set

The lat pulldowns especially felt incredibly easy. I'm not sure why, but I'm very happy about it - I really want to push my vertical pulling strength as far as I can before the semester ends, so that when I go home and have to do pullups, I can start with sets of at least 5, instead of starting with sets of 2.

Fuck yeah pullups

Anyways, all things considered it wasn't a bad day at all. I'm just very fed up with my bench plateau, and I had my expectations set a little high, expecting to break pr's the second I got back to benching. But that doesn't mean I won't progress in the coming weeks. I just have to focus hard and push on, and if the results don't come I'll just keep tweaking until they do.

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