Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fun Day, a.k.a. STRONGman

Saturday was a rest day... but fuck that. It was my last day with shit I can lift before I go away, and I wanted to make the most of it. Luckily for me, my good friend and fellow lifter Jerome happened to be home this weekend, and we wanted to meet up and do a fun workout. So, that gave me the perfect excuse to move some heavy shit in some fun ways. We decided to do some combination powerlifting/strongmen events and just generally have a blast being strong fucks.

So here were some of our events: 


Sure I just squatted heavy on thursday but... who gives a fuck? I love squatting, and what FUn day would be complete with out a few FUN blood vessels popping in the back of your eyes from a heavy ass squat? I knew I could easily get a PR today, so I had a ton of fun warming up and banging out some heavy singles. Here's how it looked:

bar for 2 sets of 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 2
255 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1

Totally awesome. Without resting up for it at all, I hit a 40 lb pr. That 315 was my goal 3rd attempt for the meet I'm doing April 7th, so I'm thinking now I'm gonna need to open heavier. Pretty fuckin cool man.

Here's the video of me squatting 295, a 20 lb pr. Unfortunately, I'm retarded and didn't ask anyone to video the 315.


This was really fun. They weren't atlas stones, these were just some big fuckin square rocks that we decided to pick up and move around. Most of them were pretty light: 40 or 50 pounds, with a few 70 pounders. We did some cleans and presses and overhead carries with them. Then, there were the REALLY big rocks. Two motha-fuckas that had to be at least 150 pounds or more, with big jaggedy edges. Picking them up was tricky, and it took a few times, but we eventually figured out a way to deadlift them and walk them around a little bit. It was a lot of fun, it definitely makes me feel like I need to be lifting odd objects more. 

No, this is not one of my friends. But I wish he was. 


This was definitely a winner. Initially, I wanted to do some sort of modified farmers walk or weighted carry, but in the end we decided to just push my big fat purple Subaru up and down my driveway a few times. It was REALLY hard at first, because Josh (who was driving the car) didn't release the fucking parking break, but after we fixed that problem Jerome and I pushed it for a length together, and then decided to have a relay - I pushed it all the way down as fast as I could (30 seconds) and then Jerome pushed it back as fast as he could (45 seconds). Fun parts to watch for in the video: 

-Me almost slipping on sand in the first few seconds and eating shit into the pavement
-Josh's horrible steering which ended up with the car in my neighbors yard
-Me having to help Jerome get the car started because of said horrible steering. 
-The huge chain that marks Jerome's finish line (that comes in next)


You saw that huge chain? So we took it, and threaded it through a spare 5 lb plate I had lying around. Then, we took that to a field, whipped it around a few times, and threw it as far as we could. The chain was pretty heavy, probably 8-10 lbs, and once we got the hang of it, we were sending it probably 40 or 50 feet. In the end, we decided to name the makeshift hammer-throw "Jericho," and the movement Jericho Throws. Why? Cause we're fuckin weird. But if you're not lifting heavy shit in weird fun ways like we are, then be careful making fun of us or we will throw Jericho into your cerebellum. 

Throwing shit. It makes you so strong you have to wear a kilt. 

BASICALLY, we had a blast, didn't give a shit that it was a rest day, and got a great workout/some new pr's and new experiences out of today. Sure a lot of lifting is about discipline and hard work, but in the end training should be something you enjoy. 

So take a day some time soon, go find something heavy, and squat/press/throw/push/drag/carry/deadlift it. It's fuckin fun. 

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