Friday, March 9, 2012

Holy shit my elbows hurt

Fucking speed bench made my elbows feel like they were being stabbed by a midget today. And that sucks really bad, because it's my last upper body day before my trip, so I was hoping to have a nice fun day full of strong. Unfortunately, I felt like this instead

That's right... I felt like an asian holding a ball of fire. 

However, even though my bows were snappin up, I still had a solid day. my speed-work was solid, and Overhead pressing went really well - It as 5/3/1 week, and I hit 135 for 5, which is a new rep record for me. So that's pretty fuckin cool. I took the rest of my workout pretty slow, because of the elbow pain and the fact that it was the last one and I just didn't feel like pushing it too much, but it was still all solid work: I rowed 135 for 4 sets of 5 and a set of 10, db benched 50's for 17 reps, and did 4 sets of 3 and a set of 6. 

I think I need to keep pushing the weight on those bent over rows - instead of going up 5 lbs a month, I think I'm gonna try and go up ten for a few months. I'm already doing lighter rows with strict form for a lot of reps, so I'm going to push these heavy, and not worry so much about perfect form. Also, those lat pulldowns i've been doing are definitely helping my pull-ups. Those sets of three felt really fast, better than I've ever felt on pull-ups. After another two cycles or so with lat pulldowns, i should be ready to transition entirely to pull-ups, doing sets of 5 or so pretty solidly. 

Coming tomorrow: Fun day, and 6-week report. 

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