Monday, June 17, 2013

Squat 335 x 1

Started off today with 5/3/1 squat. Felt pretty good. Focused on a great warmup, and trying to make every rep awesome. Hit a set of a bunch x bar, then 5 x 135 and 3 x 135, then smashed a set of 3 at 225. I was really trying to focus on attitude today; last week I realized that I was treating the weight as if it was heavier than it was, so this monday I really focused on getting focused, treating the weight like it was a joke, and just crushing the squats. 5 at 265 were good. 3 at 300 were a little tougher/shittier than I wanted, but still fairly easy. So, I loaded up 335. Focused up, treated it like it was light. I haven't had that much on my back in a while, so it actually did feel fairly heavy. But I crushed it for a single. Not as fast as It would have been ideally, but it was smooth, solid, form was good... what more can I ask for. I keep trying to speculate "oh, I could have gotten it for x many more" but I really need to get out of that mindset. I smashed the single, which is what I needed to do, and that's all that matters.

Because who doesn't want greater power?
Next, backed off to 300 to hit it for paused reps. I would normally have been happy with 1, but I just decided to push today. With (I would say) about a 5 second pause in the bottom, I hit it for a double, which is awesome. Most I have ever pause squatted is 305 x 1. and the pause was probably less than half of what I paused for today. These squats sure are nasty, my face felt like it was going to explode, but that was a pretty badass thing to do, I'm happy about it. Then, on the 3 mins, hit 265 x 3. 4 would have been nice, since I hit it for 3 the other week, but after that 300 x 2 I didn't feel like pushing more than 3 haha.

Next, speed deads. These took a bit to get going. Loaded up 315 and the first couple pulls were just not great. Not hard really, but slow off of the floor and just didn't feel awesome. So for rep 3, I really focused up and attacked the weight, thinking about ripping it and keeping my weight back, and it was much better. so reps 3,4,5,6, and 7 were all fast and good, with a couple that were a little more forward than ideal. However, on the 8th and final rep I REALLY focused up, got mad, treated the weight like it was 515 and smashed it, on a totally different level of speed than the others - felt as if it was 275 all of a sudden. So an interesting day - I know I have the potential to really be smashing these speed deads. I need to spend the next 6 weeks really focusing on attitude and focus before EVERY rep, just smashing each one the way that I smashed the 8th rep today. I think my potential with deadlifts is insane, and I just need my mind to allow my body to work to it's fullest.

Also, saw the Man of Steel the other day... What a great movie. Wish I was that powerful. 

Finally, snatch grip deads - 5 sets of 9 at 195 on the 2 minutes. In today's heat, felt like I did a true crossfit WOD by the end haha. However, overall I would say it was not harder than last week, which was the exact same workout 20 lbs lighter. Maybe it has somethign to do with the slightly lower volume today, but I think I'm just getting in better shape, which is cool. I'm excited to drop the reps to 7 and keep up with this, although I think the heavy weight is going to get real nasty, even with the reps dropping fairly significantly.

So, good day! Squat was solid, even though i'm still in this "pr mindset" that makes me dissatisfied with everything haha. Pause squats are coming along, I saw some unlocked potential on my speed deads, and I know exactly what I have to do to get stronger and faster with those, and I got a hell of a workout for my backside and quads with those snatch deads. Excited to bench tomorrow! Let us keep at it.

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