Friday, June 7, 2013

Press 155 x 5

Today was a good day. Not great, but good.

Started with press, although warmup was a little slow today. I have a big old knot/pulled muscle in my back that is bugging me. Not a big deal, but it doesn't feel good and made warming up a pain. Anyways, hit 65 for a couple warmup sets (because it was on the bar) then 95, then on to work sets - 115 x 5, 135 x 5, and finally 155 x 5. Again, as with bench it just didn't feel as easy as I would have liked, but that is okay. It was still a very solid 5, with reps in the tank no question.

After, dropped back to 135 x 5 long paused reps, and then 115 x 5 long paused reps on the 3 mins. Tried to focus on staying tight at the bottom.

This guy has a sick physique

Next, moderate weight rows. Chose 155 for this, and rowed it for 4 sets of 12 on the 2 minutes. These were pretty tough - not insane, but I was pretty damn tired out by the end. I think I'd rather do slightly less reps with more weight next week, maybe 165 for 4 x 10 on the 2 mins.

Then, bench. Threw 165 on the bar with no warmup, and got to it. I started with touch n go sets of 7, going on the 2 mins. Got 4 sets of 7, and then on my final set I got 6. This actually felt great! jumping straight to 165 with no warmup was no problem. Touch n go felt awesome, really felt my chest working and it exhausted my bench muscles in a way pause stuff just doesn't do. 7 was a great choice of reps - no problem at the start, but got damn tough by sets 4 and 5. I don't know what I feel like doing next week. Maybe less reps, more sets.

Finally, light bodybuilding stuff went okay. I had some technical difficulties. Tried loading up the dumbells, took like 7 or 8 mins to do that, but the clips for them are pretty shitty and so then I had to unload them and load up the curl bar, and in the end it was just a little too much rest. I ended up throwing tend on the curl bar and doing 3 rounds of 20+ curls, 10 + lateral raises, and 20+ skullcrushers with a short rest between rounds. Weight just didn't feel heavy enough for curls and skullcrushers, though, and really tough on the lateral raises. got a bit of a pump, but just didn't feel like a satisfactory end to my session. I need to hop right on the BB stuff after bench, to ride to coattails of my bench pump.

Anyways, good workout overall. Excited for arms tomorrow, and a nice rest sunday. Hopefully my back will start to loosen up soon. I am really hammering it, with rows every upper day and lots of pulls every lower day, it doesn't get a rest. But that's okay, it is a huge focus this summer. I just need to adjust. Lets keep at it.

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