Sunday, June 23, 2013

Great Idea

So, just relaxing and recovering today. Getting ready for a big delicious dinner and maybe even a beer or two for my little re-feed. BUT, I wanted to post because I had an awesome programming idea that I think I am going to give a shot after this summer programming is done.

BASICALLY I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do for squat in the fall. I love 5/3/1, but If I were to follow the current 5/3/1 I have set up, the heaviest squat I would hit by december is 400 in training, and personally I just don't think that will cut it to reach my goals... If I want to hit 495 by next may, I need to be hitting around 450 in december.

SO, I dreamed up a little progression for myself that I could do on thursdays, that would start with hight volume and then taper to have me squatting about 445 for a single in december. HOWEVER, then I had a way better idea!

What if I just condensed 5/3/1 into half the time? The normal program has you squatting once a week - 5 week, 3 week, 1 week, deload. However, since I am definitely going to squat twice a week, why program my own random shit on thursday? why not just condense 5/3/1 to look like this

Monday: 5 workout, Thursday: 3 workout, Monday: 1 workout, Thursday: Deload

I think this idea is awesome. I will be able to significantly speed up the 5/3/1 progression, follow a program I KNOW works for me, AND that deload will be an awesome mental and physical rest - if I am feeling healthy and strong, I can use it as a high-rep hypertrophy day to make up for the slightly lower volume on 5/3/1, or I can use it as a lighter speed and form day, or use it as a true deload when I am getting down towards the end of my rope and need the extra recovery. Instead of running 4 cycles of 5/3/1 in the fall, I can run 6 cycles. And I literally won't need to change anything. Monday I can still do paused squats, and thursdays can always be front squats. It seems like I might be able to make really great progress.

If I start right at the end of summer, I should squat 380, beltless, before my mock meet at the start of september... then run 6 cycles, so I will be hitting 440 right before I max out in december. Basically, it will put me exactly where I want to be, except I will be folowing a better progression than what I dreamed up lol.

Obviously, not positive if this is what I want to do, but it seems like a great idea that will work really well for me, so I'm very excited and optimistic about it. We will see!

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