Monday, June 3, 2013

Squat 300 x 5

Today was a good first day back. Fast paced and fun.

Started with squats. Did a nice long warmup, then got right to it; bar for 10, 135 x 5, 5, then to my work sets - 230 x 5 felt a little bit heavy, but not problems. 265 x 5 felt lighter, but my form definitely wasn't perfect - I think it is partly that I am just returning to squatting, and partly that I was using the slightly shittier rack today. Anyways, loaded up 300, tried to rest enough, then hit it. Form wasn't perfect, definitely got a little bit forward on a rep or 2 and a little soft out of the hole as well, but despite not being perfect, it was a very easy 5, which is the point.

Next up, threw on the timer and hit my 2 paused back-off sets. First, 265 x 3, very tough reps. Then, on the 3-minutes, hit 230 for a set of 5, again fairly tough. Really hitting a long pause on these.

Next, speed deadlifts with 275 - 12 reps on the minute. Hook grip definintely felt okay, and form was good on these. I am working on a slight tweak - while the "grip it and rip it" was working for me, it also results in more sloppiness and is harder to do with the hook grip. I think the solution is to try and keep ALL the same energy and viciousness, but with a slightly more calculated and precise setup. So, today I was practicing pulling into that perfect start position and then just ripping it. Went really well, weight moved very fast, although there is a slight tendency to get forward. My one worry is that I may be slow off the floor like this .... but todays reps were FAST. Won't know till thursday how heavy weight feels. But I'm feeling very positive.

Finally, snatch grip deads. Did these on the 2 - minutes, so really short rest. 5 sets of 9 at 155. Definitely got my heart pumping, got me breathing hard and sweating. Got a nice leg pump. 155 was super light, though. These are definitely going to get me in shape, or kill me haha. But I think they will be really good for overall fitness and leg and back size.

So overall, good day. Not too hard, but with some slight bumps due to the fact that it IS my first workout back. I'm excited to hit upper body tomorrow, and excited to smooth out those bumps so that I can just focus on pushing hard, losing fat, and getting in great shape. Lets keep at it.

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