Saturday, June 8, 2013

Arms 2

Good day today. A little uneventful

Started with a nice walk. Once summer ends, I am going to have both wednesday and saturday as steady-state cardio at a pretty low intensity, for 20 mins each, but for now I have wednesday as fairly high intensity, and I'm keeping saturday REALLY low. So just a nice walk to get moving and warm. Then, onto arms. Started with incline bench after a long warmup. Decided to go really light today, doing 95 lbs for sets of 10 on the 2 mins. This turned out to be far too light, I did 8 sets of 10 without much effort at all. Still, I just wanted to feel out the movement. I am definitely going to keep in these bench variations on my arms days, so I am essentially benching 4 days a week. Frequency might be what I need.

Next, curls. Used just a straight bar (45 lbs) for sets of 10, but this time I did them on the minute. Actually got a pretty nice pump, although heavier would have been better... I'm still trying to find ways around using heavy weight. Still, I think 10 more lbs would have been good here.

Finally, did a mini arms metcon. Loaded up an axle with 10 lb plates (probably weighed around 55 lbs total. Then, on the 2 minutes, did 10 pushups, 10 curls with the axle, and 10 skullcrushers. this was a great little wod. Pushups first really made the skullcrushers later hard, and the axle curls hit the biceps really well. This definitely got me sweating and gave me a nice pump.

Overall, nice little day. Again still working out the kinks, but now I know what movements I need to hit heavier, what rest intervals work, etc etc. I'm happy to be through the first week! I'm a bit sore, but I think I will adjust quickly. I am excited to keep losing weight, to start to hit some heavier lifts, to continue adjusting form and workouts so that I am a lean, efficient, lifting machine. It's gonna be a fun summer of training! Lets keep at it.

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