Friday, March 29, 2013

Alright upper day - bench 185 by 9,9,8

Today was a decent day. I felt AWESOME going into the gym, so it was a bit of a letdown that it wasn't an AMAZING day. But there are a few good reasons - first and foremost, that I was out late last night and had a few drinks, which probably hurt my recovery and energy today. Also, it has been a pretty hard and heavy week, so it's not weird that friday isn't the best day. And also also, I was simply a little loose and slow today - nothing horrible, but enough to tire me out and make it a little worse of a workout. But overall it wasn't a bad workout.

Started with bench. Felt great warming up, hit the bar for 10-20, then 95 for 15 or so, and 135 for 9, all of which felt awesome. Loaded up 185 and hit it for the first set of 9, which was really solid. Felt like I could have hit 10. Rested for a good 5 + minutes, then hit the second set of 9. Also good. Finally, hit the third set after a good rest but unfortunately the 8th rep was so hard that I decided to rack it, and hit the 9th after a minutes rest or so. A little disappointing, especially cause I was feeling so good at the start. As I said, I think I was maybe just a little loose and a little slow, which let my muscles tire out a little too fast and was the difference when I got to the last rep or two. But it could have just been a little bit of a weak day. Either way, it's still 1 rep more than last week. Hopefully next week I can tighten up a bit, and get that 9th rep - maybe even push for a 10th.

Next, strict press went alright. Hit the bar for a slew, then 95 for 10 or so, then straight to 135 for 3, which felt okay. 150 x 3 also felt okay, not great. Went to 165 and managed to press it for a very solid 5 - 5th rep wasn't too hard, but I definitely didn't have a 6th. Ties my pr, which isn't bad - especially when you consider that I am now doing this 5/3/1 press work after REALLY tiring out my triceps a lot. But again, I think a part of my problem on these presses was that I was a little loose and slow. When I dropped back to 150, I focused on pulling my scaps together before I unracked, and really blasting the weight off my chest and getting my head through. I managed to get 8 at that weight, and they felt a lot better than the 165. Then dropped to 135 and got 9, failed the 10th (for one of the first times I can remember, I got the bar over my head and just couldn't lock my triceps out haha). Again, not sure if I was just a little tired and weak today, OR if, because these workouts are very high-rep, I am maybe being a little lazy in my setup and my execution. Either way, next friday I will focus more on tightness and explosiveness. Shouldn't take much, just a little bit more attention might help me get that extra rep or two that would have changed this from an okay workout into a great workout.

Next, 3 x 10 pullups were fine.

Finally, ended with a superset of 15 curls with 20 lb dumbells, and 20 rows with 135 on the smith machine. Again, I think I'm gonna just get bench, press, and pullups out of the way on friday, and then do some more fun bodybuilding stuff - both just to enjoy myself, AND because I think the added size will make my bench better.

So, not a bad day but not amazing. I think I might take it a little easier tomorrow, give my body a little head-start on recovery this weekend. It was a tough week, but hopefully I can heal up and really kick some ass with my workouts next week. Lets keep at it.

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