Friday, March 8, 2013

Final bench workout: 225 x 10 x 1

Solid workout today. I felt pretty rough - yesterday took a toll. I was tired, achey, and definitely not as strong or fast or tight as I could have been on a good day. BUT everything still moved nicely. I just need to really take advantage of this rest time, have some fun and heal up, and I'll be back to smashing shit in no time.

Started with bench. Because this is my last Chaos and Pain workout, I decided to go 225 instead of 220. Hit 95, 135, 185 x 5, then straight to 225 for 10 singles, in about 20 total minutes which is pretty awesome. Some reps were faster and easier, others were REALLY tough. On the first rep, I unracked a little weird and tweaked my shoulder, which then bugged me throughout. However, I made all 10 singles, which is pretty badass. Very happy with that, even though my shoulders and elbows and joints hurt a lot.

Next, strict press went well, which is cool after the heavy bench. Hit the bar and 95 for warmups, then 135 x 5, 155 x 3, and finally 170 for 3 really nice reps and then a 4th rep where I really couldn't tell if I used a little leg, hip drive, or shrugged it or something. Either way, badass and very good, especially on a day that wasn't great and after very heavy bench. After, hit 155 for 5, didn't even really try for a 6th, but then hit 135 x 10, which cements the fact that I can almost always do a set of 10 at that weight now.

Finally, I just did a fuckload of pulls because my shoulders hurt. did 3 x 20 rows on the smith machine with 135, 155, 175. Then, did a bunch of silly rear delt flies and bat wings and shit with the 5 lb dumbells.

So, nothing crazy, but a good solid workout. I'm exciteddd to rest now, to fuck shit up on wednesday. and to get back at it. Lets rest hard and lets keep at it.

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