Saturday, March 2, 2013

Olympic lifting pain

Today, I learned a lot about the olympic lifts. Mostly, that although they can be some of the most fun lifts ever when you are having a good day, they can also be some of the most horribly painful lifts ever when you are having a bad day. And good and bad days come and go with almost no rhyme or reason. While I had a blast the last time I snatched/cleaned heavy, today I was not feeling well and lifting SUCKED. But hey, it was good practice and good to feel what that feels like too.

Basically, what was wrong with me: First, I have been feeling a little overtired, overtrained, and unwell lately anyways (aka thursdays workout). In addition to this general shittiness, I drank last night, my hands were falling apart from hook gripping, and my UPA (that stands for upper penis area) was absolutely killing me even at light snatch weights. Furthermore, Josh was around to coach me, and as fun as last week was saying "wow, I've never done these lifts before and look how good I'm doing!" today was definitely a reality check that there are tons of little technical things I need to fix in order to get better, and they are going to take a ton of time and practice to fix haha. Which I obviously KNEW, but it's also easy to get a little over-excited when just starting and think that maybe the rules don't apply to you.

Started with snatch. Did a good bit of bar work to just work on being faster under the bar, which is my big weakness. Also, worked on trying to keep my arms straighter. Did a lot of reps at 85, then went up to 105, 125, 145. Hit 165 for 2 decent singles. I was just feeling very slow today, and it was really hard for me to get under the bar. Went up to 175 and missed on the first attempt - I pulled under nice and fast, but the bar was out front. On the second attempt, I pulled under and caught it, but was a tinyyyy bit out of position. I literally could not stand the weight up, so I had to just keep fighting for my balance for like 5 seconds until I got into position. But by that time I was tired and couldn't quite squat it up. And on the third attempt I wasn't even close.

Dropped to 125 and started Clean and Jerking. Josh suggested that I just push jerk again. I need to learn how to split jerk. Took a while to get in the groove, because I haven't cleaned in a while. Josh was telling me to really fight to keep my arms straight, which made the cleans feel really weird. I wanted them to be hitting in the same spot as my snatches, but Josh was explaining to me that it really should be hitting lower. I just need to adjust, because it feels wrong right now, but I think it will get better with time. Also, I need to stand all the way (come to full extension), which became a problem at heavier weights. Anyways, hit 125, 145, 165 for a few and then I was really in pain so I started going faster. Hit 185, then 205 pretty easily, although I didn't stand all the way. Then attempted 225, but I didn't stand all the way again, and so I had to drop my chest to get under the bar . I sort of caught it in the bottom, but I was all bent over and just dumped it. Didn't try again.

SO, pretty much an awful day. Everything felt hard, my entire body hurts, and I am exhausted. But that being said, it was good to feel both lifts in one day, and good to feel how bad they can feel haha. Hopefully I will feel better next week, but if not I'll just do my best. I just need to keep in mind tat no matter how horribly I do week to week, it doesn't really matter haha. I'll just try to have fun with it and slowly but surely I will improve. Doesn't matter if it takes me 2 weeks or 2 years to put pounds on them. Just enjoy myself and keep at it.

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