Thursday, March 21, 2013

Solid Legs day: Squat 275 x 10

Today was a very solid day. Nothing crazy, but a lot of quality work.

Started with squats. Plan was to work up to a moderately heavy 10 today - my idea was 275, which seems a little silly after hitting that 305 x 10 just a couple days ago. BUT, I decided to just go with the 275. It's still a lot of quality reps at a pretty decent weight. Plus, I had a pretty hardcore start to the week, no need to smash away every workout - might as well just get some quality work in, and put some focus on front squats and deadlifts, rather than pushing really hard this first week and having nowhere to go. Anyways, hit the bar for 2 sets of 10, then went to 155 for a set of 10 and a set of 7 or so. Then, went straight up to 245, just to play around (I figured if I felt really stiff, I would just do 2 sets). However, 5 reps at that weight was no problem, so I loaded up 275. A set of 10 at 275 was really no problem at all. Form was a little bit wonky at times - a couple reps I was a tiny bit forward, a couple reps my timing was a little off and I got a bit stuck out of the hole. But honestly, I think that was mostly a result of me going quickly from rep to rep, because it was pretty easy. In the end, it was pretty much no problem. I wanted to do a few extra reps or something, but I stopped myself - there is time for more weight next week. And honestly, my strategy of being a little more moderate with my workouts has really been paying off, so I'm going to stick to it.

NExt, dropped the weight to 175 and hit it for a front squat triple. Hit 205 as well, also easy, then loaded up to 230. Although I expected it to be tough, I SMASHED 230 for a 3 x 3, Really easy and beautiful reps - honestly, I felt like I could have done 5 or 6 reps no problem at that weight. Very cool and a nice surprise.

Finally, put the bar on the ground to deadlift heavy. Worked on a couple things today: first, making bigger jumps. I want to train myself to make bigger jumps when I pull heavy, so that when I want to max out I am used to it, and can do fewer attempts and therefore waste less energy. So, I hit 225 for a set of 3, and then a single. Then, went straight to 315 and hit it for 2 singles. Then, straight to 365 and NAILED it for a single. Then, loaded up 395. The second thing I was working on was my setup. REALLY trying to "Pete Rubish" it haha, meaning set up, and as fast as possible bring my shins to the bar and rip it. It is hard to do, because at heavy weights I second guess myself. BUT, it works wonders for my speed on heavy pulls. Using this technique, I ripped 365. However, I balked on my first attempt at 395. When I finally did it though, I moved it fast and smooth - however, I felt like my back was getting really round. SO I set up a camera, and taped both my second and third pulls at that weight, and my back looked great, AND the weight moved smoothly, even on the slower third attempt. Basically, I totally second guess myself. When I grip it and rip it, I feel like I am loose, like my hips shoot up and my back rounds. But in reality, my form looks awesome and the weight just moves faster and smoother. SO, I need to keep working on setting up this way consistently and fearlessly. I should be pulling 405 in no time, and I cam work on smashing it for more and more smooth, fast, flat-backed beltless singles at the end of my workout. Can't wait to DESTROY my PR so soon.

Anyways, overall a very solid day. A little bit of an easier, but still very high quality back squat workout, some killer heavy front squats, and some great heavy lifts and technique work on my deads. Lets keep at it.

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