Saturday, March 23, 2013

Great Olympic Lifting Day

Great day lifting today.

First off, worked on split jerk. It's tough, but I got some stuff done.

Next, did a slew of snatches from the high hang, working on keeping my chest upright (as that was my biggest problem last week).

Then, started working up. Missed more reps warming up this week than I ever have, but in the end I think it helped my form a lot. I worked out some kinks for sure. Hit 95 for a bunch of reps, 115, 135, then 155 for a couple reps, 165 was good. Then went to 175. I missed the first two attempts, but got the third very nicely, and went up. Nailed 185. Went up and nailed 195 as well, which is a huge PR. Went up one last time and missed 200, and called it there. Overall, really happy. Form is coming along. Speed under the bar is getting a lot better. I need to work on sweeping the bar back more. Here's the video.

Next, clean and jerk went very well. Using my newfound jerking skills, I hit 135, 165, 185, 205, and 225 all very beautifully. Then 245... Missed the first rep. Made the second clean, but missed the jerk barely. 3rd rep I cleaned it, but couldn't squat it up. And finally, the 4th rep I cleaned it and jerked it very nicely. Jerk was a TINY bit pressed out, but I will take it seeing as how it's a big PR and my first time split jerking. I need to again, work on sweeping the bar back, and I need to work on catching the stretch reflex out of the hole because, if I can do that, the front squat and therefore the jerk will be easier. Here's the vid.

Anyways, having a ton of fun with these and doing well. Lets keep at it.

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