Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Upper body & new cheat

Had a pretty solid upper body training session. Not perfect, but hit some good numbers and worked hard, even though I wasn't feeling my best.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Didn't feel too strong today. Form felt okay though. Hit 95, then 125, then 145 for 5, 165 for 5, and 185 for 6. Those 6 reps were easy, and I went for a 7th, thinking for sure I'd get it - and then I didn't. Still, 6 reps is a new PR at 185, and that 6th rep was not hard. That's some nice progress.

Next up was 5 x 10 bench. This was my hardest thing today. I'm not sure why - two weeks ago, I hit 145 for 5 x 10 no problem, even getting an extra 2 reps on the last set, but since then that weight has felt much tougher. I hit it for 4 sets of 10 today, then KIND of rushed the last set (although not really) and only got 8 reps. So I re-set it, rested plenty, and attempted it again - and again, only got 8. So, I re-set it again and hit the last two reps. Maybe next week I'll get it, and then I can move up to 155 for the final tuesday before my rest week.

Next were kroc rows. Even though I was tired and feeling shitty, I fucked these up today. Hit the 110 for 35 reps either side, and then another set of 25 each side. My back felt like death.

Next was overhead press, which went really well. Worked up in threes to 135, then hit that for 4 sets of 3 paused reps, and a 5th set of 4. I ALMOST had 5, which would have been AMAZING at 135 with paused reps, but I couldn't quite lock out the left arm. Still, my overhead press strength is getting WAY better, all the time.

I want my shoulders to look like cannonballs

Finally, did some pullups. Tried doing weighted kipped pullups, but honestly these are hard to do and feel shitty. I need to get back to school, where I can do heavy ass lat pulldowns again. Till then I guess I'll just keep playing with pullups variations and stuff.

ALSO, today is the first day I'm doing a three-hour cheat during the week. Gonna try this for the next three weeks - hopefully it will up my metabolism and my overall calories, helping add muscle and cut fat. Butttt maybe it will just make me fatter hahaha. I'll have to see if I feel any different at the end of these three weeks, and asses if I want to keep this cheat. We will see.

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