Friday, July 13, 2012

The Horror

Today was a horrible day. Pretty much I felt miserable and incredibly weak, and a little bit injured to boot.

After going ape-shit on those squats yesterday, I felt some tightness in my best that I HOPED was nothing - but I know from past experience that this is often due to a slight pull in a back muscle. Sure enough, I woke up today with some serious back tightness. Not nearly as bad as it's been when I hurt myself in the past, but moving my neck in certain positions is really uncomfortable, and pulling my back tight doesn't feel nice, which sucks really horribly on bench day. ANYWAYS, did my best to loosen up, but still felt like shit. Warmed up a ton, then went into my chaos and pain. I was figuring on 185 for 9 sets of 3 being pretty easy, seeing as how I did it last week, BUT it was not. At all. I didn't feel tight at all, and my setup hurt my back. Still, I fought through and made all 27 reps, although the final rep was ROUGH.

Next was Overhead press. My top set was 130 again, which I got for 8 last month. Today, I was only able to get it for 6 - probably partly because there is just way more volume this day before I get to that top set, but also probably cause I was just having a shit day. Dropped back to 115 and 100, and hit those for max paused reps.

Those were the two important things in my workout, and since I was feeling horrible I mentally prepared myself to just take the next few movements to get my blood moving, get healing, and not worry about my performance. Instead of doing my normal heavier barbell rows, I grabbed a 50lb dumbell and just rowed it for 20 reps each side for 3 sets, to try and get a bit of a back pump and get my    pulled muscle healing.

Next, I did my little pushup challenge, but I felt like complete ass. Did 5 wounds of 10 reps, with 3 on the 6th round. Tried to keep form nice, but it was just rough.

Finally, did some band pull aparts, some foam rolling, used the lacrosse ball a bit and did some band stretches. Overall, it was a tough, tough day - my mini injury sucks, and the whole workout was made worse by general weakness and lack of energy. But hey, I pushed through, and I had an AWESOME day yesterday - can't win em all.

SO, I'm definitely going to go stretch tomorrow, but as for squatting - Ill have to decided based on how I feel. Lets just hope that this muscle pull gets healed fast.

Always remember, all the suffering and the setbacks won't matter in the end. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

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