Friday, July 20, 2012

Actually had a good ass day

Today I actually had a good ass day. which is surprising because of all the shitty ass days I have had lately.

Also, I'm excited to see Bane fuck shit up in the new batman movie

Started with bench. Seeing as how I only got 2 reps at 200 on tues, failing the 3rd, I didn't have high hopes for the 9 sets of 2 I was supposed to do today. BUT, I took my time and just went at it the best I could. It took me a LONG time, but I somehow made it through all 9 sets of 2, without failing a single rep! it was incredibly hard, but I am really happy with that accomplishment. I did not think I would be able to do that, but I pushed myself and I made it, which is pretty fuckin cool.

Next was 5/3/1 overhead press. I was tired after benching, but still did well on this, managing to hit 135 for 6, a new pr. Plus, I just BARELY failed rep 7. Went back down to 120, hitting it for 8, then 105 for 10 (both sets paused reps)

Next, I rowed the 90 lb dumbell for 2 sets of 15 and one set of 20, strict rows, only resting enough to switch my strap and move the bell.

Biceps. fuck yeah. 

Next, pushup challenge. Got through 8 rounds, but my form was a little shitty - I'm getting in the habit of having my hands up near my face instead of at my chest. Next week I'll tighten that up. My reps will probably take a hit, but whatever.

Finally, did 10 sets of 3 pullups, with 4 on the final set. These were good, not easy but not too hard. My shoulders are pretty sore now, but no elbow pain, which is good.

Over all, a solid upper body day, which is a nice surprise. One week left! Gotta keep at it, stay healthy, and just make it through the next few workouts. Very exciting.

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