Thursday, January 16, 2014

Front squat 275 x 8, 5, 3

Good day today! not perfect, definitely could have improved on certain things, but overall it was a pretty strong day with some quality work, especially considering that I hiked for like 2 and a half hours yesterday and had every reason to be a little stiffer and weaker than I was.

Started with front squats. Worked hard to get warm, trying to avoid the problems of monday, then got started! Hit the bar x 8, then 95 x 8, 185 x 8, and finally jumped up to 275 and hit it for 8! It was super hard, and my back/overall positioning was quite horrendous by the end. BUT that's kind of the point - because 8 is a HUGE beltless pr, and knowing my weaknesses once I put the belt on I will be SO much stronger. Dropped back to 95 x 8, 185 x 8, then loaded up 275 and attacked it once more. Honestly, the second set STARTED even better than the first. I was doing a way better job of keeping my chest up and driving with the legs, up until about rep 4. Unfortunately (and it's a super lame excuse) I just got crazy distracted halfway through the set, and completely lost focus. I started getting loose, was having a REALLY hard time focusing, and on rep 6 I paused in the bottom like an idiot and ended up having to dump. It's a bummer, cause I KNOW I had at least 6 or 7, maybe even another full set of 8! But 5 is still some quality work beltless, and the distraction was just bad timing that fucked with my focus at the worst possible moment. Anyways, re-racked 275 and hit it for the final 3 reps. Then, decided to inch my way up, hitting a single at 285, 295, and finally a rep at 305 that slid halfway down my chest because I didn't chalk my shoulders. Called it there. Not half bad, considering I was beltless and tired. Those might ALL be Pr singles beltless.

Next up, long paused front squats. Loaded up 255 and hit it for 5 singles, with whatever rest I needed. These weren't horrible, but definitely tough, and it was a real struggle to fight to keep my chest up.

Finally, deadlifts. I was hitting 5's, from a deficit, with the focus on super low hips and driving with the legs. Hit 185 x 5, 275 x 5, then 365 for a really solid 5. Then I tried 455 and couldn't even budge it haha. I thought I might be able to pull it for a single, but whatever it's no big deal. Still, I wish I had focused a little more on volume and hadn't tried the heavy shit. But 365 x 5 is still some quality work, especially considering all the front squatting I had just done.

Finished up with one big set of 30 back extensions.

So, feeling good! good day, hard and had some issues but overall a lot of quality lifting. One more day, then a weekends rest! And when I return, the belt, knee sleeves, compression shorts, creatine, caffeine, and slightly more caloric and sugary diet return, and the light weights and cardio go away. I'm gonna peak this base strength fast and hopefully SMASH some huge weights my first week back at school. Lets keep at it.

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