Friday, January 17, 2014

Bench 245 x 2, 1

Actually had a really good bench day today, despite the fact that I had a late night last night and probably shouldn't have had a very good day haha. Also, I have some things to write about: First and foremost, I decided I wanted to make a change to my bench setup, which I implemented today. I have been having some problems with my normal setup, where I bridge myself while hanging onto the bar in order to get tight. For a long while, this was the only way I knew how to get tight when benching, but there are problems with it - I become very reliant on the equipment, and changes in things like weight, the type of hook, the space i'm benching in, etc, can make a big difference in the ease of my setup. Also, there is a good bit of room for error in my setup - from set to set, my overall tightness, position, leg drive, etc is too variable. So, I decided after watching a George Leeman video that I CAN in fact get tight with a less elaborate setup, and that working at that could potentially result in a much tighter, stronger, more consistent bench press. SO, I did that for the first time today and it felt great.

Anyways, started with bench. Got nice and warm, and got to work, hitting paused sets of 8. Hit the bar, 95, 145, and 195 for an incredibly easy set. Then went to 245 and hit it for a really solid double. I was feeling really strong. Dropped back to 95 and hit it again for 8, 145 x 8, 195 x another really great set of 8, and finally 245 for a single, failed the second rep! I really thought I was gonna get it, but I got out of position, tried to press the bar to far back and missed it.

Continued benching an assload after that. Dropped back to 225 and hit it for 2 really strong sets of 3 and then a last set of 4. Feel really good about that - I REALLY feel like I am a lot stronger than I am able to express, because I suck with heavy weights. That's why I only hit a single at 245, yet was able to hit multiple sets of 3/4 at 225, even being a little tired out. I really think that with just a bit more practice at heavier weights I am going to learn how to express my strength SO much better. Anyways, dropped back to 185 and hit it for 3 sets of 8 paused. Then, dropped back to 135 and hit it for a touch n go set to failure, hit 27 reps which isn't half bad after all the shit I did already.

Finally, did a big superset thing with band rows, dumbell curls, and pushups - 20, 15, and 10, for 5 sets. got a nice little pump by the end.

So, good day overall! New bench technique felt really good, strength was even really good despite being overtired and stuff from the night before. Also, as a side note, I have been feeling really healthy lately - cardio, high rep shit is paying off. I feel good and I look leaner - but I weigh exactly what I want to, 244 this morning. Which is great - it looks like my plan worked! I ate my way up to the weight I want to be, and now even when I am lifting with higher reps, doing cardio, not eating as much, my weight is staying up. I'm really looking forward to trying to keep improving my physique while staying at this weight. So, feeling stronger, fitter, and like I'm in a good place. Lets keep at it.

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