Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Second Light day

Nice light day today.

Didn't sleep great last night, but did a nice, long warmup with all sorts of extra band and shoulder stuff, as per my new, long-warm up ideal. Then went out to the gym, did a set of 10 with the bar, and then benched 95 for 3 sets of 5. Felt decent. Not great, my back was a bit crampy and tight today, but not bad either. Definitely felt warmer than usual, form felt good.

Next, did some light overhead press - 10 reps with the bar, then another 3 x 5 with 95 lbs.

Finally, just some mobility and prep work for tomorrow! Did some sitting in the bottom of the squat, put the bar on my knees to get a nice ankle stretch, put my legs up on the bench and stretched the glutes/hip, put my foot up behind me to stretch the quad/hip flexor, did some light curls and extension to move the elbows, rolled my back on the lacrosse ball a little bit, went for a nice walk, and took a short cold shower. Been taking my vitamin c and my fish oil.

So basically, the day has arrived! I'm gonna eat as much as I can the rest of today/tonight, try and load up on calories and carbs, try and get a really good nights sleep tomorrow, and then just have fun! I really think I will be able to smash my year goals - but even if I do not, I am certain that I am withing 5-10 pounds of each goal, so even if tomorrow goes terribly, I need to just keep the chin up, enjoy the rest, and get back to work. LEts rest hard, have some fun tomorrow, and most importantly keep at it!

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