Monday, May 20, 2013

Light day 1

Today was just a light leg workout to get me moving weight again, try and get my muscles and nerves primed to lift so that wednesday I can smash some weight! It went well

Started by doing a longer, more intensive warmup (as per my new ideal). Did my normal general warmup of arm circles, leg swings, etc. Then, did some quick pushups and squats, some quick dislocates to warm up my shoulders, then did a bunch of deep lunges to open up my hips, knees and ankles, some light quad stretches and calf stretches, and some jumping squats to make sure I was all warmed up.

Then, went out to the new home gym! Hit a set of 10 squats with the bar, then 5, 5, 5 with 135. Definitely felt the best squats have felt n a while haha. Ideally, I want my warmup to now look something like this: 135 x 5, 3, 225 x 3, 1, 275 x 1, 315 x 1, etc. HOWEVER, I'm not sure if it's a great idea to implement this on wednesday, and change my routine the day I am max squatting. However, maybe I will. depends how I feel.

Second, put 135 on the ground and pulled it for a set of 5, then 6 singles with some rest in between. Felt really good. After, pulled 235 x 1,1. I didn't really need to, and maybe shouldn't have cause my back wasn't as warm as I might have liked haha, but it moved fine as well. After I was done, did some very light stretches for my ankles and hips.

So that's it for the day. Now, to rest and eat. Gonna have a similar light day tomorrow, and then wednesday is meet day! Very excited. Lets keep recovering.

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