Sunday, May 19, 2013

A few things:

1) I've been resting, eating, and doing some light stretching/mobility, and I'm finally starting to feel alright. Looking forward to light workouts monday and tuesday, to prepare myself for doing great on wednesday!

2) Working on setting up the new and improved garage gym as we speak. Very excited - it should be done either today or tomorrow.

3) Been watching a ton of videos by Bryce Lewis. Awesome dude, crazy strong, big, seems to be natural, and his lifting style is very similar to mine so I feel like I can learn a lot from him. One thing I think I am going to start trying that I have taken from his videos is that I am going to try and do a longer, better warmup - basically, do my general warmup, then some band stretches and drills on bench day, and some stretches to open up my hips, warm up my knees and ankles on squat day. Then, do less reps warming up to my heavy sets. That should be a good way to increase speed of my workout and my strength at top sets, as well as improve form/mobility in the long run.

4) Working a lot on programming lately. Excited to finish it up, but some basic changes - 2-3 mins rest on EVERYTHING except the first exercise, more long-pause work, including squats and presses, as well as adding back in some touch n go bench and press work, some lighter speed deads and turning the heavy deads into more of a "heavy speed" session, programmed running and back work, and more. I'll probably type it up after the meet, when I finalize it, but I am DEFINITELY getting excited to start some new stuff.

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