Monday, February 4, 2013

First Day Back - Squat 305 x 5

Today was my first day back. I felt pretty good. I intentionally took it easy, because after a week off heavy squats are DAUNTING. So, instead of feeling like I had to go after this workout as hard as I could, I tried to just have fun and do the best I could, only push as far as felt good, etc. In general, I could use more workouts like this. Just get in and move weight, know that tat alone is enough to make you better (it doesn't have to be PR's every single workout).

Anyways, started with 5/3/1 squats. Hit the bar, then warmed up and hit 125 for a couple sets, then 205 for 6, then straight to my work sets. 245 x 3 was cake, and 275 x 3 was very nice too. I was doing a good job of controlling the descent really well to a certain point, then really dropping into the hole, catching a stretch reflex and shooting out. Unfortunately, when I went up to 305 I wasn't as tight as I probably should have been, and that cause me some troubles - on a rep or two, I was just a little soft after dropping into the hole, so I hit a sticking point harder than I should have. My chest was coming down a little bit, and afterwards my lower back felt a little soft and sad (probably a combination of being a little loose, and just not having squatted heavy in a while). However, I got 5 easy reps. Not perfect, but easy. I definitely had a rep or two in the tank, without question. But as I said, I think I need more days where I don't plan what I want to hit and try and give EVERYTHING. That leads to disappointment, and I don't think it's he right attitude. I just need to get in and move the weight, take advantage of the good days and don't stress the bad ones.

Next were speed deads. These felt pretty good. 295 for 10 sets of 1 from a one plate deficit, on the minute. The first few reps especially moved pretty fast. About halfway through, however, I started running out of gas a little bit. I think the week off just made me fatigue quickly. I did my best to focus, however, and the weight still moved pretty easily and fast. My one complaint is that maybe my hips were a little too high, and next week I should try and start with the bar a little farther away so I'm using my legs more.

Third, snatch grip deads. I really love these, they are fun even when I'm tired. I went up a little differently today, hitting 125, 165, 205, 245, and finally 285 for sets of 5. None of it was hard until 285, which was admittedly pretty tough. The last rep especially it was hard to keep my hips down, and I used a lot of back to get the weight up. Still, good form overall and a very solid set. I think next week I might push to 305. It will be tough, but I think I have it in me, especially if I'm a little less tired out next week.

Finally, did a set of 50 situps with constant tension to finish off the core.

This is a badass dude

Overall, good first day back. Nothing monumental, but some quality work. I'm tired out, but happy to be back in the gym. I want to try and keep the same attitude I had today. Go in, have a lot of fun and just focus on moving weight - don't worry about PR's or whatever. If you just keep moving weight and following the progression from week to week, you're gonna get stronger. Lets keep at it.

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