Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thoughts and Ideas for the second half of the cycle

SO I have been very full of lifting lately. It is pervading my thoughts, I'm full of ideas and I wan to lift all the time. I think I'm just progressing well, but getting a little fed up with what I am doing so I have MORE energy and desire to lift after I am done. This isn't a bad thing: especially since I will be taking a break/doing some max attempts in just 6 more workouts (my programming is pretty much on the money). That alone will help. But, I also have been thinking of some tweaks, most small but some big, that I am going to probably make to the second 9 weeks of this cycle to keep things interesting, keep things progressing, etc. So here are some tweaks:

Speed deadlifts: Going to take them up 20 lbs apiece, as usual. This means I will be hitting 295, 315, and 335 for speed singles, eventually from a 2-plate deficit. If I can pull 335 from a 4 inch deficit with any sort of speed, I will be in good position to hit my deadlift goal.

Snatch grip deads: Pretty much the same. 3 weeks of 8, 3 of 5, 3 of 3. I think, although I am getting very close to max attempts now, if I work hard to build up a solid base with those 8's again, I will be able to push even heavier next cycle. End goal is to be able to hit 405 - if I can do that I'll be in good shape to conventional deadlift 455. I may not actually sets that 405, but if I can triple 375 or so that would be a good sign.

5/3/1 Bench: As I have already started doing, no more rep out on the lightest weight - just hit 3 sets of paused reps after the main rep out.

Dumbell rows: Mix it up every week. Just make sure you keep working hard and you do the classic "Kroc Row" at least every so often, because it has a lot of merit.

Strict press: Probably jump up to 155 and aim to hit it for 3 x 6 to start, working slowly up to a 3 x 10.

Pullups (both tuesday and friday): Change to 30 total reps, and slowly make the sets less even so that, by the end, you can do a straight set of 30 kipped pullups.

Thursday Squats: Instead of doing a static 5 x 10, 5 x 8, 5 x 6, etc, work up to a heavy single set of 10, 8, 6, 4, or 2. I'm not going to make it "warm up in 5 sets of 10" etc, but warm up plenty. I'm also not going to set weight goals I decided. It will just be a heavy 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 6, 4, 4, and then 2 with the belt. With emphasis on very nice form. I think this will be a little more fun, less painful, and still be high enough volume to yield really good size/strength gains.

Friday Bench: This is probably the biggest change. I think, instead of doing chaos and pain benching on fridays, I am going to copy for bench what I have been doing for strict press. Start with like 185, hit that for 3 sets of 8, and just work at it until I can consistently hit it for 3 x 10, then increase the weight to 205 or so and start over with 3 x 6 or something. Although I used to love CNP bench, and I think it helped me make a ton of progress, lately I have been bored with it. I think it was crucial to helping me get my form down better, and I will DEFINITELY keep it in the toolbox for the future, when my bench needs another change. But for now, I think the volume might help my bench move better than the practicing with heavy weight. It certainly has been working for my strict press.

SO that's pretty much it. Now, I just have to relax and fight through these next 6 workouts without going crazy because I want to make the changes IMMEDIATELY haha. But that shouldn't be too bad. On thursday, I think I am going to start my 5 x 4 at 275, and just see how I feel. I already hit 315 for a 5 x 4, so I don't have much to prove. I'll just start at 275 and focus on really nice form, and maybe work up if I feel good. But the focus will be on very nice reps and concentration, since that is what was lacking monday. Friday, I will just destroy my 15 x 2 at 205. Then next week will be nice and heavy: 335 for reps, 220 for reps, a heavy double squat with the belt, and then my last set of 10 x 1 bench for a while. So lets keep focused, keep having fun, and look forward to the changes I'll make - once I make it through the next couple weeks.

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