Friday, February 22, 2013

ONE YEAR and Bench press 195 for 10 x 3

Today was good.

Started with bench. It was a little creaky to start, I think because my warmups were a little wonky - I hit the bar, 95, 135, then jumped straight to 195, so the first couple sets were a little slow and heavy. But overall I was exploding with energy at the gym today, and even when I wasn't feeling AMAZING this weight was no problem. This is the heaviest 10 x 3 I've done (since the last time I did it) and it was no problem. I definitely have quite a few more cycles in me before this even gets difficult.

Next, Strict press. I was a little tired from all the bench volume, but this still went very well. hit the bar and 95, then 115 x 5, 135 x 5, and finally 155 x 7. The 7th rep was a little tough, maybe because I was tired, but I think I just let it get out in front a little. Either way, got it, and that is a PR at that weight. Dropped back and hit 135 x 9 and 115 x 12.

Next, Yates rowed 145 x 3 x 12. Felt a little shitty. Might need a warmup set in there.

Next, decided to push press heavy just for fun. Hit 95, 137 x 8 or so, then 165 x 5, 185 x 3, 205 x 2, and then SMASHED 225. But I always get a little scared with push presses that I'm going to smash my head in. So I decided to stop there.

Finally, did my pullups: 15, and then 10. Nice.

So overall, it was a pretty solid good day. But maybe the cooler thing is that today is the one year anniversary of me starting this blog. Pretty happy with myself for keeping it up, it has been a great tool for me in my lifting career. More importantly, however, I think it's good to look at the progress from then until now. Not only have I learned a ton about myself as a person and as a lifter, AND made incredible progress in my form/technique, but lets take a look at the raw numbers:

Last Year: Squat 275, Bench 205, Deadlift 335, Press 150 

Now: Squat 365, Bench 235, Deadlift 435, Press 190

That is some serious progress. 30 lbs on my bench, 40 on my press, 90 on my squat (and that's including a big chunk of time I took to change my style), and 100 on my deadlift. 220 lbs on my total. Not bad for a years work. And now, I feel like my technique is locked in and my training is smarter than ever - If I just stay consistent and healthy, I will make even better gains by this time next year. So lets be proud of the hard work, and lets keep at. 

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