Thursday, February 7, 2013

Squats: 285 for 5 sets of 6

Today was a good day. Very good, it feels nice to finally be moving heavy weights again.

Started with squats. Did a couple sets with the bar as I warmed up, then hit 125 x 2 sets of 8 or so. Hit 205 x 6, then 245 x 3, then went straight to 285. The weight was moving nicely today. Not perfect - I was having a lot of little issues at various times: on some reps I was a little too far back, on others my chest was coming down and my hips were taking over, on other I was soft out of the hole and had to fight hard through a sticking point. But as a whole, the sets were really solid, not a single failed rep (or even near fail), and I am very happy with that performance after being out of the gym for a while. I will say that (pre-sickness), I was planning on this 285 being easier, and I was hoping to push to 305 next week for my second 5 x 6. I'm going to have to play it by ear next week, because I really have no idea how I will feel. I think, although it will be INCREDIBLY hard, I could absolutely manage 305 for 5 x 6. However, it might be more prudent to do 300 or even 295, just to make sure I get all the reps in and they are quality reps. Or, I could even take the weight back and have a week to make my form nice and prep for the 5 x 4's. We will see I suppose, I need to stay chill about it.

Next, front squats went really well. I was pooped after the back squats, but the front squat were still pretty much cake. I didn't really have much "pop" on them, but they were easy all the same. Hit 125 for a warmup, then 175 x 2, 205 x 2, and 225 for 3 sets of 2. First set was beautiful, second was tougher because I didn't rest much, and the third was better than the second, but still a little tired.

Finally, chucked the bar on the ground. Pulled 205 for a triple and then a single, focusing on keeping my core and back really tight, but the rest of my body a little "looser" and athletic. Josh and I were talking the other day, about how the best, fastest, most explosive lifters have a sort of "looseness" about them. They are tight where they need to be, but not overly wound up. This allows them to move weight with speed and explosiveness. It's an interesting concept, one that I think really applies to deadlifts especially. Anyways, hit 285 for 2 singles, then 345 for a rep that was pretty solid, so I went up to 385. Hit it for the first rep, which was really solid. Moved pretty fast, and my back was nice and flat. Only problem was I was pretty far back on it, and my hips took over a little early I think (interesting, because as I said that was happening a bit with my squats too). I hit 385 again after a good rest. Tried to use my legs more on this one - it was slower and harder, but my back still stayed flat and I got it, which I'm pretty happy about. Pulling has felt awesome lately, it's making me happy.

Didn't really have time for ab work, so I just kept my abs tight as I could while I pul all my weights away haha. Pretty lame, but it's something.

Overall, really good day. Very happy to be lifting heavy and have it feel good. I need to keep patient, and keep my more relaxed and methodical attitude with lifting, but I think that will be easier now that I'm getting back in the groove, and getting more workouts under my belt. Lets keep at it.

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