Thursday, January 31, 2013

Olympic lifting love

So I haven't posted in a while, because I haven't been doing my normal stuff. BUT I figured I would post some updates.


Basically, I decided to take the entire week off as a sort of unscheduled deload. I was very sick for the start of this week, I barely ate for the first couple days, and even when I started eating normal(ish) again, I didn't want to risk jumping RIGH into real hard workouts, taking my recovery and getting sick all over again. I don't know if I had the flu or just a stomach bug, but whatever it was it blew. So, basically the plan is to just start again on monday with 3 week as if nothing happened. I will probably try to take that max set a littleeee easy, just so I don't push too hard and get pissed off when I am a little weaker from coming back. However, If I'm feeling it I'll go hard. Until then, I'm basically just going to try and eat relatively normally (although sort of however I want), rest, and enjoy the remainder of my days off.

Anyways, yesterday I went into the gym just to move. I wanted to lift a little, so I picked the movement that I could do the LEAST weight on, yet was still worth doing. The Snatch. Starting really light, I powersnatched up to 145, which was fun and pretty cool. And I didn't feel like shit later/the next day.

SO, today I went into the gym and decided to do some clean and jerk. FULL clean and jerks, which I have NEVER done in my life. And surprisingly enough, I took to them really well. I have barely ever even powercleaned before, but somehow I hot a hang of cleaning pretty well. Maybe it's the hours and hours I have spent watching videos, watching Josh train, watching new people begin to learn them. Either way, I worked up slowly but just kept pushing heavy, and ended up making a 235 clean and jerk, which I think is pretty insane for my first time ever. Plus, the jerk was pretty much a push jerk, because the goddamned gym floor was soaking wet today because of a broken vent. Anyways, here's the video. Not half bad for my first heavy clean ever.

I know I just had a great day with them, but I am starting to feel a growing love for the oly lifts. They are fun, dynamic, challenging, and I think they will 1) help me be a better athlete all around and 2) help my powerlifts tremendously by keeping me fast and explosive. I think I am going to start dedicating saturdays to the oly lifts. Here's my idea: Always start really light, NEVER give a shit if you PR, and just try and get in as many good, quality reps as possible. I figure, if I can work up to a heavy single once a week, doing a ton of warmup reps at light weight to get the form down, and I don't give a shit that progress is slow, I will probably make HUGE gains in the next year or so. Even if I only put 40 lbs on my C&J, that's a 275 clean - not half bad for a guy who really doesn't need to be good at it. Anyways, First goal is to learn how to do a full snatch without falling on my ass, and see how heavy I can get with that. But I'm excited. And, I'm excited to get back to my programmed lifting. Lets keep at it.

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