Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bench 210 x 4

Solid bench day today, which is nice because benching has been a bitch lately. I think I am working through the kinks that come along with the slight form changes. The biggest thing is I was lowering the weight too slow in order to keep control. But today, I was moving he weight faster down while still keeping tightness AND not letting the weight sink into my chest, and that seemed to make a big difference in my ability to move the weight off my chest.

Started with 5/3/1 bench and warmed up a little quicker today. Normally I take 95 for 2 sets but I took the bar for 2 sets, then just hit 95 and 135 for a couple sets without really counting reps. Then I hit 165 x 5 which felt a bit stiff. 185 x 3 felt great though, and I think that is where the "fast down" started clicking. Went to 210 and hit it for a set of 4, which made me very happy. That's a PR. I definitely think the reps could have been smoother - fast down made my reps a little wonky for sure, but They were still good reps. I think with a little more practice to get the timing right, and a lot of hard work to just get plain stronger, I'm going to be nailing some nice weight soon.

Next, dropped back to 185 and took it for 3 sets of 5. NOT pushing these sets is a greta idea I think. I have just been pushing myself too close to failure too often. By only doing 3 x 5 (when I probably could have done 3 x 7 or 8), I got a lot of nice, fast, pretty reps in without making myself exhausted and frustrated. I need to make sure that every tuesday I treat these backoff sets properly, and DONT get caught up in the trap of pushing myself to the edge every single set. I just need to move moderately heavy weight for a bunch of really nice, fast reps.

Next, dropped to 165. I pushed this one a little harder, getting 10 nice reps in.

Kroc rows went well. Did 2 sets of 30 reps with the 90's. Pulling the bell higher, to my chest, feels good. Next week I'll be back at school and I'll probably switch to the 100 lb bells, which should be good.

Overhead press went alright. I started with 95 as a warmup, then hit 135 x 5, 145 x 4, then 155 x 3, 2, and 1. Then I hit it for a max set. I felt like I was gonna crush the set at first, the first 4 reps were awesome, but then 5 got tough and I couldn't get 6. That was a little lame I thought. I don't know what it is, but strict pressing just has not felt as great lately. Strict press workouts have been FINE, or OKAY, but nothing special lately. But at the same time, I have been putting a lot of time into doing lots of reps at lighter weights. Hopefully, I am just building strength up with these lighter weights, and within a few weeks I will start smashing rep records and be able to hit a new heavy PR before long. I'm just going to try and keep at it.

Finally, did a set of 10, 8, and 7 kipped pullups, supersetted with 3 heavy overhead press singles at 165. That's not very heavy, but I was tired from the rep out at 155. The weight moved pretty well, and the pullups went well too. I just felt like I haven't gone heavy on press in a while, and it might be cool to hit some singles. Didn't feel great, but whatever I guess.

So overall, a good day. Strict press is annoying but I'm going to keep pushing it and I think it will start exploding soon. AND, bench (which has been a bitch) is starting to move again as I work out those form issues. I'm feeling excited, I think I am in good position to make some good gains these next few months. Lets keep at it.

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