Thursday, January 3, 2013


Had a great day squatting today. Still sick, cough and sore throat and stuff but I actually slept well last night and I think I am on the road to recovery.

AWESOME jacked guy

Went in to the gym and got warm. Squats felt a little weird at first, I was a little creaky and the first set at 135 felt a little heavy. But the second set felt a LOT better, so I jumped right up to 225 and got started on my 5 sets of 10. The weight was pretty much no problem - the first set especially I destroyed, my form was great and the weight was moving fast and easy. Honestly, the 5 x 10 at 225 was almost no problem, the hardest thing was just the number of reps haha. I felt gassed because I'm sick and a little tired. But overall, this was solid. My form was pretty awesome, with only a couple bad reps toward the end because I was tired. Overall however, the reps were fast and easy. I think I can definitely get quite a few pounds more next week with some focus, and resting a little more (I was trying not to rest very much between sets this week).

Next, did some front squats. These were probably the worst part of this workout, probably partly cause my legs were tired and partly cause the bar placement + sickness = my head feeling like it's gonna explode. But I got 3 x 155, 185, and the a 3 x 3 at 205 which felt like crap, but wasn't hard at all really.

Finally, did some heavy deads, which actually went great. hit 225, 275, 315, and then 365 for 3 singles with a perfectly flat back. These moved well. The second and third one were tough, but my back stayed flat and I was really happy with that. Probably, I will do this weight again next week and then maybe move up to 375. We will see.

Ended with 4 x 15 ghd situps.

Overall, awesome day. I really feel like this new method of squatting is going to help me a lot, building up my muscle, perfecting my form, and then tapering so that I can hone that new muscle I just built. I think I will adjust to the new training style quickly, and then be able to really push the weights and make some serious gains. Lets keep at it.

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