Friday, April 27, 2012

The Volcano

Today I felt like a volcano of power. It was awesome.

Yeah. Like That. 

My breakfast was horrible, because I woke up late and there were no eggs left, so instead I had chicken breast for breakfast. That's fuckin GROSS. But, I also had coffee (because I spilled my coffee on tuesday, and I like to caffinate at least twice a week), and that made me hyped to get to the gym.

Got there, warmed up and worked up, then put 190 on the bar and started the clock. I did ten sets of one on the minute. At first, then were moving well, but I wasn't as tight as I should have been. As the sets went on, I tightened up, so even though the reps got harder I really had no problem hitting all ten singles, which is pretty awesome. The 9 x 1 week seems to be the easiest... 9 x 3 is definitely the hardest. They all feel really good though.

This picture is awesome.

Next up was overhead pressing. Worked up to 145, and got it for 3 reps. Problem is, rep 1 is really hard - after I get it for one, my stretch reflex made 2 easy and 3 was about as hard as 1. But I really need to work on my strength on that initial press, from a dead stop off my chest, otherwise next month 150 is going to be rough. I think that wheat I'm going to do it warm up as normal, do my heavy set as normal, and then when I go back down and do the last two sets to failure, I'm going to pause between reps, doing each one from a dead stop. This way, I will still be able to do the heavy set for max reps, but I'll also get some practice pressing heavy weights from a dead stop off my chest. Hopefully, this will make 150 x max do-able next cycle

Pendelay rows felt really good. Basically, I've learned that doing rows heavy with shittier form works way better for me than doing them really strict. Today, I used my straps and rowed 165 for three sets of 10+ reps. Really felt it in my lats, it's good.

Dumbbell bench was good, did the 55's for 16, then 45's for 10 and 35's for 9. I was pretty tired from the other pressing, so I just hit these hard and fast.

Finally, lat pulldowns at 170 were no problem really. I even tried to be stricter with them than I normally am, and they still weren't hard at all. Next week I'm gonna ramp them up to 180. Then it's bye bye to pulldowns and hello to pullups again.

SO, thus ends my last workout of the cycle, and my last scheduled workout for a little bit. Next week, I can pretty much go in and do whatever I feel like - I'm just gonna go heavy most days - then I'll probably take both saturday AND sunday off, and start my new cycle right after that, rested, back at home, and ready to FUCK SHIT UP. It's gonna be good.


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