Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Just cause

Today was a fun arms day. I was planning on doing some overhead pressing for triceps, but when I got to the gym it was pretty empty, so I took advantage of the fact that I could grab a bench right away and hopped on. I warmed up, then started benching: bar x 15, 75 x 10, 95 x 5, 115 x 5. Then, I decided to just rep out 135 for as many as I could. I ended up getting 18, which is pretty awesome - that beats my all time record at that weight, 17, and when I did that 17 I had horrible form that fell apart completely once i worked up to heavier weights. So, a rep PR, after benching a shitload yesterday. Pretty cool.

Next, I decided to start O. Pressing to finish off my triceps. I loaded 4 ten lb plates on either side, and decided to just strip a plate off each side, repping each weight out for as many as I could. Looked like this:

125 x 6
105 x 7
85 x 8
65 x 12

HUGE man

Not bad considering the benching I just did, and my triceps were pretty done so I moved on to biceps. Didn't feel like preacher curling today so I did some seated isolation curls with the 25's, 3 sets to failure, then did a finisher set with the 17.5's. After that, I decided to play around a little bit with flexing/posing my biceps to help finish them off. I've read/heard that posing can help with muscle development as well... I don't know how much it will actually do, but I figure playing around with it after my arms are already too tired to lift anything else won't hurt. It feels HORRIBLE to do, I don;t know how bodybuilders get a pump and then do that with their whole body. But I think I'll keep working at it for a few weeks and see if I feel like it makes any difference in size/fullness.


Anyways, fun day. Gotta rest up for tomorrow now!

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