Thursday, April 5, 2012

Heavy Speedwork

Today was an alright day. Heavy speed squats at 195 off a box were hard, but do-able. It's gonna take some getting used to in order to do them properly with the weight in the new, higher position with the bar.
At the end of reps, I felt myself shifting my weight forward on my toes, so I need to watch that. But overall it wasn't too bad.

HOWEVER, then I squatted up heavy, hit 275 for a great rep, then jumped to 305 (instead of 315) because I REALLY didn't want to miss a rep.... and I missed the rep. I got it through the normal sticking point, but then towards the top I shifted my weight forward veryyy slightly and just couldn't lock it out. It wasn't a bad miss, I almost had it - and considering I had just done the heaviest speed work I've EVER done, it shouldn't bother me too much, but I still really hate missing lifts.

If I was Andy, I would have fucking killed everyone in the gym when I missed that lift

So anyways, I was tired and a little angry, so I did my 5 x 5 front squats at 155 quickly and unhappily, then did 3 sets of 20 sit ups with a 10lb plate, and got the fuck out of there. Overall, it wasn't a bad day, I was just pissed about missing that 305. BUT, I'm goign to be squatting up to a heavy single every week now, so I need to get used to both feeling my body and not pushing too hard, and not being too angry when I miss a rep - especially when it doesn't staple me.

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