Saturday, April 7, 2012

Powerlifting Meet

Okay, so it wasn't a real meet. BUT, I have never done a meet, and I really wanted to have a day where I did all 3 lifts to a max as if I were in a meet, to not only see where my lifts are at but also to feel what being in a meet would feel like. And it was fucking fun and awesome. Here's what it went like:

Slept kind of shitty last night, but I got up, had a light breakfast and a coffee, and waiting for my lifty friends to get here to start the strong. After we warmed up, squatting started. Because of my iffy squat at 305 on thursday, I decided to open light - 295 - which was fucking stupid but okay, because today wasn't all about Pr's. SO, I ripped 295, then hit 315, then just BARELY missed 320. I would have loved that PR, but tying my PR is pretty damn good too.

Next up was bench. Warmups were good, but I'm not used to benching after squatting, so it was hard to get ramped up for the heavy reps. I hit 195 for a solid opener, then hit 210. FINALLY, a fucking pr, after a year of being stuck at 205. Sure it's not a GREAT PR, but progress is progress. I've only been feeling good on bench for the last three weeks, and already I hit a new pr. Hopefully the goodness will keep up, and the PR's will keep coming in the next few months. I skipped the last attempt, as that 210 was definitely all out.

FINALLY, it was time to deadlift. Deadlifts have oft been my nemesis, but I was lifting against two of my friends who are both awesome deadlifters, and I was amped up. Warmups moved pretty fast. I hit a 315 opener, which was solid. Then I went for 345, ( a 10 lb PR) which moved slow as fuck but I locked out. I was a little worried about rounding my back, but after watching the vid it looks like normal upper back rounding, and my lower back felt fine. So, even though the 345 was ROUGH, I loaded up 355... and got it. It was a grinder, but I was pretty psyched. That's a 20 lb pr, after already maxing out my other 2 lifts.

SO overall, it was an awesome day: tied my squat PR, got a 5 lb bench PR and a 20 lb dead PR - all without ANY rest before the "meet." My total: 880. Im tired, but VERY happy. It's time to eat a lot and rest now. But I'm pumped to get back to training on monday! This was an awesome day, but I've still got to work my ass off to reach my goals a year from now:

90 lbs on my squat: 405
100 on my dead: 455
45 on my bench: 255

I know I can do it. I've got a little over 12 months. It'll be a rocky fucking road but today is one of those days that shows me how much it's worth it.

 Do it fuckers.

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