Monday, December 9, 2013

Squat 365 x 8

Really great day today, very happy.

Started with squats, after a great night's sleep and a big ass coffee. Got nice and warm and I was feeling strong and solid. Then got started squatting, focusing on that controlled descent, pulling myself into the bottom and exploding out. Hit the bar, then 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 315 x 1. Then, loaded up 365, chalked up, belted up, psyched up, and went after it. IT felt great. Felt strong and light on the unrack. I kept my cool, each rep was very strong and solid, and CONSISTANT. Smashed 5 and 6, then had to really focus on 7 and 8 because my breathing started to get really difficult. However, I crushed those reps too. 8 reps is a huge PR, and something I am really happy with - 3 rep all time PR, and just 12 weeks ago my PR at this weight (and I was really proud to have hit it), was 365 x 3. So, a great set that is a testament to how strong I am getting. Plus, I think as the weight increases I will be even happier with the reps I hit, because it is more my core/breathing holding me back with these higher reps. I think once I get down to 5-6 reps, I will be able to express my strength better, which is why I think I am going to shoot for a set of 5 at 405 when I get there. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

After the set of 8, I dropped back to 275 and did some paused squats, which also went great! I smashed 275 x 3 paused, then jumped up to 315. I have never hit this paused, so I wanted to hit it for a single or maybe a double, but I crushed the first rep and ended up hitting it for 3! Really happy with that, I have definitely increased both my ability to maintain tension in the bottom, and my raw strength out of the hole. I could have hit 315 for more reps, but instead I decided to drop to 225 and smash a triple there. Obviously the heavy stuff is cool, but I think just doing this paused work (regardless of weight/volume) is getting the job done.

Finally, deads. I had an urge to go heavy today, and I kind of fought it.... I started out doing lighter romanian deads for reps, to at least get SOME decent, productive volume in. Hit 125 x 5, then 185 x 10, 225 x 8, 275 x 6. Then pulled some singles from a dead stop - 305, 355, 405, then finally 435 for a tough but solid single. Back felt a bit tweaky after, so I dropped to 305 and hit it for a set of 5 from a dead stop, just to feel out my lower back. Then, called it a day.

I'm a little bummed out I went heavy on deads - I felt like I should work up, to feel heavy weights and just test out form/speed/strength with a pull over 400. However, I forgot the reason's I don't do these - namely, that heavy pulls = form breakdown, and I really only want to allow my form to break down with those heavy weights once in a while, when I have my belt and I am fully recovered/less likely to injure myself, NOT when I am already tired out, beltless, etc etc. However, that being said I don;t think I really tweaked anything, and pulling a solid 435 beltless, chalkless, and at the end of a tough workout is pretty cool. So overall, a good day. Huge squat PR, paused squat PR, and some cool deadlifts. Gotta keep focused, keep healthy, and keep working, and I'm gonna hit some big weights in the coming weeks. Lets keep at it.

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