Monday, December 2, 2013

Squat 345 x 10

Great day today. All of my anxieties about not having purpose these past couple weeks, and my half-hearted assurances that the only reason I wasn't performing the way I wanted to be was because of the million factors making my workouts tough were in vain, because on my first really focused workout back, I kicked ass.

Started with squats. Got nice and warm, and I was feeling really good from the start. Threw the knee sleeves on for the first time in a while, and got to work, again focusing on finding a balance between speed and control on the way down, focusing on keeping the reps fast and smooth, but REALLY squeezing into the bottom, controlling the weight, and taking the reps slower than normal. Also, focused on breathing between reps, to make sure I didn't rush the set. Hit the bar, then 135 x 5, 225 x 3, and finally 315 x 1. Then, chalked up, threw the belt on for the first time in weeks, and got to work. I destroyed 345. My new technique feels great - rather than hit or miss, where I might smash one rep then fail the next, each rep was controlled, and when I attempted each rep it was with CERTAINTY that I could get it. I felt like I had so much more use of my hips and back, but not at the EXPENSE of quad involvement - rather, in conjunction with it. There is a SLIGHT chance I miscounted the reps, as I got a little foggy in the middle of the set, but I am about 95% certain that I squatted this weight for 10 reps today, and I couldn't ask for more than that. That is a 4 rep PR at this weight, a 30 lb 10RM pr. And for felt incredible - really, the hardest thing about the set (and it was a VERY hard set) was simply having the bar on my back. I was literally gasping for air on the last 3 reps. But I am extremely happy with my performance today.

Next, paused squats. Decided to keep these a little heavier today - dropped to 275 and took off the belt (I always plan to do these beltless), and hit that weight for 3 x 3, paused, without much rest between sets (maybe 2-3 mins). Felt really good and solid - I get a hell of a quad pump from holding the tension with these.

Finally, did some really high rep deads today - 2 sets of 20 at 185. I figured it's been a while since I did higher rep stuff, so I wanted to work it in. My ass was pumped.

So overall really great day. Technique feels amazing, strength was amazing, and the two came together today to give me probably the best squat workout I have ever had. Now, I need to focus on recovery and technique with thursday's front squats, and prepare to smash 365 next monday - a set of 8 will be very difficult, but I think it is also very possible. Have to keep setting my sights high, because I am starting to see what I can truly accomplish. Also, I'm excited to bench tomorrow! like squat, I have been a little disgruntled with bench lately, but I am hoping that, like squat, tomorrow I will be able to perform to my best and get a really good idea of where I am at (hopefully it is where I want to be as well haha). Lets keep at it.

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