Friday, December 20, 2013

Bench 205 x 9

Today was a good little rep bench day. Feeling very crampy and tight and beat up, so I really need to focus on healing this weekend in order to survive the final workouts of this cycle. But still had a really solid day.

Started with bench. Got really warm, and then did my more minimal warmup sets - bar, 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 1. It is REALLY working well for me. Loaded up 205 and hit it for max paused reps - hit a great set of 9, and then tried to hit a 10th with a rest at the bottom, and just couldn't get it. Still, that ties my PR with that weight, only with a pause! Not bad. One thing - I DID feel like I was relying on movement a little too much, sort of letting the bar sink in at the bottom/not holding tension as best I could. But other than that, form and strength were on point. Loaded up 175 next, and hit that for a set of 12, this time trying a little harder to barely rest the bar on my chest, rather than letting it settle in. Then, dropped once more to 145 and did another set, probably of 8-12 reps, with the same focus. Felt strong, got a great pump.

Next, dips. Hit an initial set of 2, then had to adjust my setup, then hit 3 sets - 6, 7, 5. Not bad. Then, did 3 sets of pushups, going to almost failure each time and moving my hands wider and narrower at different times, depending on the set. Got a nice pump, felt good.

Next, did a variety of pulling work involving bands - 25 higher rows, 25 face pulls, 25 pull aparts, and then 25 lower rows.

Finally, for grip work I just grabbed some 20 lb dumbells and curled them/pressed them/wrist curled them until my fingers started to go numb.

So overall, good day! feeling beat up, and in need of some serious food and rest in order to recover. However, I am feeling strong and accomplished. Just one more week left, if I can really heal this weekend I think I can SMASH these last heavy workouts, then heal up and truly destroy my mock meet in 10 days. Lets keep at it.

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