Thursday, December 5, 2013

Front squat 275 x 10

Another great squat workout this week, again showing me that 1) my two weeks of base building were not pointless or aimless, and 2) I was right, not overly generous, when I "made excuses" for my less than perfect performance last week.

Started with front squat. Goal was to go up to 275 and hit it, with belts and sleeves. Original plan was 8, but part of me felt like 9-10 was a better goal. Started with he bar, then hit 95, 135, 185, 225, and finally loaded up 275 and SMASHED it for an easy 10. Honestly, may have had 11 or 12 in me. Really happy with that, that once again takes my 6rm up to a 10rm. Far exceeded not only my expectations, but even my hopes. I was going to rep out 305 next week, try and get 5.... but I may just got for 315 x 5 instead, based on how solid this felt. We will see.

Next, long paused front squat singles - beltless, with a 5 second pause in the bottom. Hit 225, 245, 265 all solid, so I decided to load up 275 and I smashed it for a 5 second paused single. Pretty cool, especially considering that last year this time was the FIRST TIME I ever hit a 275 front squat. I'e come very far in a year.

Finally, deadlifts from a deficit. Did something a little differrent today, kept the weight at 225 and moved the deficit up - did 10 from 1 inch, 10 from 2 inches, then 10 from 3 inches, trying to focus on keeping my low back flat and using those hammies.

So, great day. huge front squat PR. Plus, I got to set a pr and feel great about that, but overall I honestly feel like I didn't train hard at all - so hopefully recovery will be great and I will be in tip top shape come monday. Hopefully, next thurs I'll hit 315 for 5, then the week after that I will hit a max and try and nail 365 - which would be a really cool accomplishment. Lets keep at it.

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