Thursday, December 19, 2013

Front squat 365

Awesome day today, with a really good PR. 

Started with front squats! Felt pretty great today. Lower back was giving me trouble - I'm like 99% sure it's not really injured, but that my muscles are simply a little tired/sore/overtrained and therefore take a long time to warm up, don;t feel particularly tight, etc etc. However, aside from the lower back I felt great - the weight felt so light today. Took quite a while getting warm, moving around, etc, then got to work squatting. Hit the bar for 7 or so, then 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 185 x 3, 225 x 2, 275 x 1. Weight felt light, but reps were a little wonky cause I was having to pay too much attention to my lower back, which was making me a little hesitant and weird. However, once I belted up (loosest setting) for 315, it felt pretty much fine. 315 went up easy, so I loaded up 345, belted up for real, and smashed it. Without hesitating, I loaded up 365. Rested, Belted up, and smashed that too! I thought it would be harder than it was, but man I nailed that rep. That is a 30 lb PR from 7 weeks ago, and honestly I think it was easier than 335 was for sure. So that is freakin awesome. Here's the vid. 

Next, dropped to 135 and did a bunch of lighter long paused squats, for more reps - I need to start tapering back the heavy weights/volume and doing more light stuff so I can recover. For 5 second paused reps, hit 135 x 4, 185 x 3, 225 x 2, 225 x 2, 185 x 3, 135 x 4. Felt good. 

Finally, skipped the deadlifts and instead did 2 sets of 25 back extensions with just my bodyweight. Got a nice lower back pump, and the lower back felt much better afterwards. I think I need to be doing this high rep lower back stuff more, to help keep those muscles healing, strong, and to make sure that I don't end up hurting myself with all this heavy squat and high rep deadlift work. 

So, great day! working on tapering thurs + fri back, but I kicked ass today and hit a huge PR! Hopefully that 30 lb FS PR will directly correlate to my gains on squat and deadlift. We will see. Let keep at it. 

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